Rewritten and continued?

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I stopped writing for a reason I simply can't remember. What I do not forget however is the love I once held for the writing of this book. I looked at it again today for the first time in what feels like a life time. I was at a very young age when I began this story and thus parts of it make me laugh due to the blatant  immaturity in style and lack of depth. I however feel like this story is one that should be finished, given a second chance at life, as I have had. I will be rewriting it from scratch but do not fret your favorite characters will all still hold residence. I finished this story two years a go and never let the world see the ending but now it is time for it to be given a chance to blossom. I will start uploads soon but the old version will remain here and I may put up my childhood ending. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2016 ⏰

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