Chapter 4

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Elenas POV
Stefan is supposed to pick me up in four hours, I told him I didn't want to do anything to special, because its not a date. But Stefan doesnt know that, he doesnt know about Damon. I told Damon I was going out with Caroline & Bonnie tonight, even though its not a date I have with Stefan, I know if I tell Damon he would be jealous.
I walk in to my closet and decide what to wear. Oh i know ! I still have the shirt I kept from Stefans house from the other night. It was a cute red & black flannel. I took out my cute black leather leggings & a cute flowy black cropped shirt. I tied his flannel around my waste, it still smelt like him , i love the smell. After admiring his shirt for a minute I reached town & put on my black strappy high wedges. I was so impressed with my outfit, it was sexy yet casual, it was perfect.
I heard my phone ding in the other room, luckily Damon was in the shower & didnt see it first

Stefan: Be there in about an hour & I already know you look hot ;)
I laughed at Stefans text, he's such a flirt.
Before I know it Stefans at the front door of my apartment. Damon went out with Klaus so I didnt mind Stefan picking me up at the door. A bit of worry went through my mind, I hope Klaus doesnt tell Damon that I wasnt with Caroline & Bonnie at the house. My thoughts went away went away when I opened the front door to see Stefan. He was wearing black skinny jeans & a red & black flannel, how is it even possible that we were matching?

"Elena you really look beautiful, but next time try not to copy me " he laughed a little before I reached in for a hug.
"You don't look to bad yourself Stefan " I said and winked as I walked out & shut the front door.

* 2 hours later *
Since I wanted something simple Stefan just took me to the grill. We talked the whole time and the conversation never got boring.

"So Elena tell me more about yourself" Stefan asked with his adorable little grin. Snap out of it Elena youre dating Damon, Stefans just a friend.
" Well I just moved to Mystic Falls about 3 years ago because my boyfriend lived here. The rest of my family lives back home in LA " I answered back not putting to much focus on the "boyfriend" part of the story.
"Oh um Damon right " Stefan asked with a upset tone
"yeah how did you know that ?" I asked full of worry, oh no this is all gonna go wrong.
" Elena you wouldnt stop talking about him when you were drunk the other night, but you said you guys broke up because he cheated, right? " he said in reply.
" Uh yeah something like that, but on that note thank you so much for taking care of me the other night, it meant a lot." I told him completely changing the subject
" Anything for a beautiful girl like you Elena" he smirked back making me blush.
" Well we should probably get going Elena its getting late " he said.
He is such a gentleman. I looked at the time and realized it was already 11:30. Ive had such a good time but Damons gonna start getting worried soon.

"Before we go lets have the waitress take a picture of us, since we're accidently matching " I said as I winked at Stefan.
I thought it was so cute that we were matching. The waitress came over & we took a picture. In one picture we were just smiling Stefan had his arm around my waist & we were close together but in the other one Stefan grabbed me & dipped me like people do when they dance. I cant lie they were pretty sexy pictures. The pictures were so cute so I put them next to eachother in a collage & posted them on instagram with the "😍👅" emojis, I even tagged Stefan so he could see them. Damon didnt have an instagram so I was in the clear.

Stefan & I laughed the whole car ride back to my house. We were telling eachother cute stories from or childhood. I didnt want the night to end. We pulled up to my apartments. Stefan wanted to walk me up, but I told him it was okay, I could get up to my apartment just fine. We said our goodnights, I was so swept up in the idea of the date that when Stefan leaned in to kiss me, I kissed him back. My stomach filled with butterflies as our lips touched. It was perfect, he was perfect. We pulled away & I put my fingers on my lips. What did you just do Elena? I said goodnight to Stefan & walked back up to the house. What am I going to do?

* Ahhh I hope you guys liked it !!! Please Please Please leave me some feedback! I would really appreciate it because I really dont know howbyou guys like this story! But omg a Stelena kisssss ! Comment & Ill post asap ! Thank you for reading ***

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