Chapter 1

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Elenas POV
I've been away the whole week on a business trip luckily my boss let me take the first flight home so of course, I'm going to surprise my boyfriend Damon. Damon & I have been dating three years & I really am so in love with him. I can really see myself spending my life with him . As I walk up to our apartment & unlock the door I see 2 glasses of wine on the dining room table. So many thoughts come running into my head but I shut them off until I heard Damon & the slut in my room.
I felt the tears rushing to my eyes I couldn't face him like this I left the apartment & slammed the door. My stomach was in knots & I felt as if my whole world just stopped. I leaned against the wall as tears ran down my face I couldnt even understand why Damon would do this to me.

** 2 days later **
I've been staying at my bestfriend Bonnies house the last 2 nights, because I'm still too heart broken to confront Damon. Damon doesn't know I'm home yet but my flight was supposed to come in today.

" Hey Bon I'm going out alright ? " I yell across Bonnies living room .
"Alright text me if youre going to stay somewhere!" Bonnie yelled back.

With that I got in my car & drove to the bar. I had to get my mind off of Damon somehow right? I walk in and see an empty seat next to a really hot guy. However , I didnt choose to sit there because I literally just walked in on my boyfriend 2 days ago. What was I thinking ? Was I really going to meet someone new at a bar tonight ?

The night went on and I stayed at my table alone watching the guy at the bar, I was so interested in just watching him. My thoughts were interrupted by a creepy drunk guy.

"Excuse me is anyone sitting here ?" he asked

"um actually I'd rather be alone " I said back to him my words slighty slurred from the large amount of alcohol I had. 

Within seconds he was up in my face. I tried pushing him off but he wouldn't leave me alone. People were looking at us but no one did anything. A few moments passed by & I was still trying to get the guy off of me.
"Hey how about you leave her alone " I hear from behind me. It was him . The hot guy from the bar, who looked even hotter coming to my rescue. For just a moment my thoughts about Damon were completely gone. Before I knew it the guy was off of me & out of my sight.

"Uh thanks for that " I giggled to the hot guy
"Anything for a beautiful girl, but maybe I should take you home, I think youve had too much to drink" he said back to me.
"I would like whats your name ? " i ask
"It's Stefan " he says back
" Oh I'm Elena " i said with a slight grin on my face.

(I hope you guys have liked this chapter ! I will post a new one as soon as I see some
feedback ! ahhh enjoy ! 💖 )

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