Chapter 7

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"Your gonna fetch me a real nice price."  His hands were touching her breasts.  She tried to free her arms but he had her in a bear hug from behind.  She tried kicking him in the shins with her heels, but he only squeezed her breasts harder, hurting her.  Tears sprang to her eyes.  She had to get away.  Had to warn her family.  Oh, Go.  Please let me go! Let me go! 


She screamed out in her sleep, and at the same time kicked the horse's flanks with her heels.  If it hadn't been for Heyes' skill with horses the poor animal would have taken off and probably thrown them both.  But he was able to calm the stallion and steady it.  Then he turned his attention to the young woman thrashing about in front of him yelling for him to let her go.  Only moments ago she had been peacefully sleeping in his loose embrace.

  "Hey,  it's alright.  It's me, Joshua.  You're having another bad dream that's all," he soothed.

The sound of a man's voice broke through the fog of her nightmare.  This voice was different.  This voice meant safety and comfort. She liked this voice.  She came fully awake.  It took her a moment to realize where she was and what she was doing.  It was Joshua's voice that soothed her.  She began to relax and sagged back against him once more.  "Joshua?" 

"Yeah, I'm here.  You're alright now.  It was just a dream."

Just a dream.  She was safe. Safe with Joshua. Her family was gone, but she was safe. 

"I'm sorry," she said still breathing heavily.  " I was having a nightmare about those men. I couldn't get away.  I tried to get away but he was touching me and I..."  she trailed off, her voice quivering, her body trembling.

"Ssssshhh. It's alright now, you don't have to worry about that anymore."  He felt her body shaking and instinctively tightened his arms around her.  "I'm not going to let anything happen to you."   At least he hoped not.  He sure wished Kid were here watching their backs.   The sun would be rising soon.  Kid would be having a nice hot breakfast.  Then he'd nap for a while. Then he'd have a nice hot lunch.  Then he'd nap a while.  Then he'd probably spend the evening in town at one of the  saloons playing poker and enjoying the company of a pretty girl.  Heyes sighed.  He missed the Kid and he needed a nap. 

His backside was in terrible need of a rest and he was sure his horse felt the same way about his back since it had been carrying almost double the weight for the last few hours.  And now that she was rested and the sun was up she could keep watch while he got a couple hours sleep.  "You feel like taking a little break?"

"I should be asking you that.  You're the one who's ridden all night with no sleep while I probably snored your ear off."

"Snore? You?  Why, Evangeline, a lady never snores."

"And a gentleman never tells her if she does, Joshua."

"And hopefully the lady won't mind if I snore while I get a couple of hours sleep.  I'm gonna be the one falling asleep in the saddle if I don't get a nap."

He unsaddled the horse while she unburdened the mule.  After a quick rub down he tethered the animals loosely near the water so they could graze, drink and rest.  After having a drink  themselves,  Heyes laid out his bed roll on the grass under the shelter of a shady tree thicket.  "Why don't you read some of that book to me.  I'll be sleeping  like a baby in no time.  And there's more hard tack and jerky in my saddle bags.  Help yourself if your hungry.  It's all we've got 'til I can catch us some fish."

"All right."  She went and fetched the book and the jerky. When she returned she sat by his head which rested against his saddle.  He had covered his face with his black hat.  She opened the little book and laid it on her lap.

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