"Calm down. It's just me."

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This story got its first comment and vote omg I was so excited! (I like freaked out and scared my grandmother) thanks so much @tonyturtlesguitar (I tried to tag or whatever you call it but it didn't work sorry.) thanks a bunch💙!!! Anyway on with the chapter

Chapter 13

Alan's POV
The next morning I pattered around the house quietly waiting for James to leave. He gave me a kiss on the lips and left for his classes. I played as though I was sick and told him I was staying home. Once he was out the door and his car was down the road I pulled out my phone and called Kellin.
"Hey Alan. Want me to come pick you up? We're leaving right now."
"I want you to come pick me up but not for school." I said and fiddled with the end of my t-shirt.
"Okay. Why then?"
"I'm leaving James." I heard tires squeal in the back ground and Kellin himself squealed.
"I'll be there in no time. Austin is with me and I'll tell Vic to meet us. Hang tight Ally Cat." He said and hung up the phone.

I went upstairs and started dragging out suitcases and stuffing clothes in them. A few moments later in burst Kellin and Austin. Kellin tackled me to the floor in a hug.
"I'm so proud of you Alan." He said and kissed my cheek.
"Thanks Kellin."
Once Kellin released me. I turned to Austin. He wrapped me in his arms and held me close. His scent filled my nose and I sighed happily. I liked being in his arms.

"Okay you two go get stuff downstairs and I'll get your clothes." Kellin said. I led Austin down the stairs and we walked into the living room. He grabbed my hand and stopped me.
"Are you really through with James?" He asked a hopeful look in his eyes.
I nodded. "Forever." He smiled, his eyes bright. I looked in those beautiful brown orbs and couldn't stop myself. I stood on my tip toes and pulled his lips to mine. He responded immediately and wrapped his arms around me, slightly lifting me off the ground. My feet found the couch cushions and they sunk into the fabric. I was now only an inch or so taller than Austin. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him harder. I had waited so long for this moment and it was finally here.

Austin kissed me harder and any space that could possible be left between us was gone. My hands tangled in his hair and his gripped my waist.
"What the hell!" I heard from behind me and instantly froze. Before I could react, the back of my shirt was grabbed and I was send over the back of the couch to the floor. Since Austin had been holding onto me he was now laying over the back of the couch. James grabbed Austin and drug him out the door slamming it closed and locking it. Austin was bigger than James but James was only fueled with rage at the moment. Loud bangs came from the door and James made his way back over to me. I looked up into the furious eyes of James and tried to back away. Sliding across the floor with everything in me. He wasn't having it though. He grabbed me by the front of my shirt and slammed me up against he wall.
"You fucking slut!" He yelled before throwing a punch at my face. I immediately tasted that metallic taste associated with blood.

"James please." I croaked out.
"Shut up!" His voice boomed before he threw a hard punch at my stomach. The punches kept on coming and there was nothing I could do but take them. I tried shoving him away but that didn't work.
"Did you really think you could whore around and I wouldn't find out." He said. He was looking right in my eyes face merely inches away from mine. "Alan I hate this but you've gotta learn. You can't do that." He send a hard hit to my side and I gasped, trying to regain my breath. "And trying to leave me for that. He's a fucking idiot."
I shook my head.
"What's that baby?" He said and stroked my cheek with his thumb.
"Austin not an idiot." I croaked out.
"What don't you love me any more Alan?"
"N-no." The moment I said that I knew it was the wrong thing.

James's eyes filled with fire and he raised a hand back.
"Don't you fucking dare!" Kellin yelled from the stairs. Next thing I knew Kellin had jumped on James back and was trying to pull his grip away.
"What the hell Kellin." James grunted.
"James let them go!" Austin yelled from outside.

"Austin I have a key for this place on my key ring!" Kellin yelled right before he was sent flying to the floor. I was dropped to my feet and James turned around to swing at Kellin. I pulled his arm back and sent a fist of my own toward him with all the strength I had left. He grabbed his face then started laughing.
"Ohh Alan baby you try so hard." He said and pinned me to the wall again.

James was suddenly pulled away from me. I sank to the floor and opened my eyes slightly. Austin was on top of James. Austin threw punch after punch and so did James. Blood was coming from the both of them. This was my fault I didn't want Austin hurt. I stood up on wobbly legs and slowly made my way over to them.
"Austin please." I said. He stopped when he noticed my presence, but that was a mistake. James knocked Austin to the ground and scrambled up to send a quick hard kick to his balls. Austin yelled and James turned to me a smirk on his face. I turned to ran but was pulled back by my hair.
"Not this time baby." He said. He kicked the back of my knees sending me to the ground. I curled into a ball and let the kicks come.

Austin pinned James against the wall. Sending hits wherever he could. Kellin came over to me and pulled me into his lap. I was crying and shaking.
"It's okay Ally Cat. It'll all be okay." He whispered and stroked my hair. The door was open and in walked a stunned Vic he say His face turned red and he stormed over sending a hit to the side of James head at the same time Austin did. James fell to the floor unconscious.

A hand reached out towards me. I flinched back. I only wanted Kellin to touch me in this moment. I just wanted something familiar. I climbed closer to him and he held me tightly.
"Princess I'm sorry." Austin said.
"It's not you Austin." Kellin said.
"Kellin it hurts." I winced and grabbed my side.
"Let's get you all patched up." Kellin tried to stand but with me and him being the weaklings we are he couldn't lift me. "Hey Alan can you walk or do you wan Vic or Austin to carry you." Kellin asked. Before I could answer I was lifted from Kellin's arms. I struggled not knowing who it was.
"Calm down. It's just me." I heard Austin say. I threw my arms around his neck and he slowly carried me to the bathroom and sat me down on the counter.

Kellin stepped in front of me, first aid kit in hand. He started with my face and worked his way down. Removing my shirt and gasping at the already forming bruises.
After I was all patched up Austin carried me outside to Kellin's car, nothing being said. He sat me in the back seat and Vic and Kellin carried the already full suitcases and put them in the trunk. As we were getting ready to pull out. James came running down the driveway.
"Alan get your ass back in here." He yelled.
"Touch him again and I'll kill you." Austin yelled back and Kellin pulled out. No one really said anything while we drove to Kellin's. I think it was mostly for my benefit. I scooted closer to Austin and he carefully wrapped me in his arms. I breathed in his sent and sighed. A small smile made its way onto my face. I was away from James and in Austin's arms. I was finally free.

(A/N: Should I continue on or leave it here???)

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