"Then i'll have to regret it I guess."

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Chapter 8

Austin's POV
Alan gathered his things and left. When the door closed behind him I leaned against it.

I kissed Alan.

Alan kissed back.

That was the only thing my brain could process at the moment. I touched my lips. I could still feel the ghostly feeling of his lips on mine.

A smile spread across my face and it wouldn't leave. I picked up my phone and called Vic.

"Hello?" He said answering the phone.
"I kissed Alan." Was all I said. I was smiling to myself.
"What?!" Vic exclaimed through the phone.
"And he kissed back."
"Vic it was... It's indescribable. But he's with James." I said and my smiles left.
"Did he mention him when you kissed?" Vic asked.

"Yea after we kissed be said something about him and James may be going through a rough patch and he may be questioning everything but he still like had to give him a chance or something."
"Austin give him time. I can already see it now."
"Thanks Vic."
"Anytime. I've got to go, I'll talk to you later."
"Okay bye." I said and hung up the phone.

After laying the phone on the coffee table I laid back on the couch. I brought my fingers up to my lips, The feeling of Alan's lips still lingered. I smiled to myself and replayed what happened over and over in my head.

Alan's POV
I ran all the way to Kellin's house. I didn't stop. The only thing running through my mind.

Austin kissed me.

I kissed back.

I reached Kellin's door finally and knocked frantically.
"Hold on I'm coming!" I heard him yell. I just kept on knocking. "Hold on a fucking minute." I heard then the door opened.

I pushed past him and leaned against the wall. A smile plastered on my face. "Alan why are you smiling and covered in what looks to be cake frosting?" Kellin said looking at me curiously.
"Austin kissed me."

Kellin pulled me to the couch and demanded to hear every detail. I retold the events from earlier to him. He smiled and giggled like a school girl.
"But I have James." I said as I ended my tale. Reality set in and the smile disappeared.

"Alan see reason. Austin is the guy for you. I haven't seen you this happy in years and it's just over a simple kiss."
"Kellin, I can't."
"You'll regret it if you don't."
"Then I'll have to regret it I guess." I said and sighed.

Kellin looked at me sadly and shook his head.
"Can I shower and change here? I don't want to have to explain to James why I'm covered in frosting." Kellin just nodded his head and I headed up the stairs.

After showering and putting on a fresh set of clothes I sat with my back against the headboard of the bed. I let the smile creep back onto my lips and sighed. Kellin was right I hadn't felt this happy in a while and it was just over a kiss. Was it just the Kia in general or was it that fact the Austin himself kissed me. My phone buzzed. Speak of the devil.

Austin: Heyy
Me: I never got a piece of cake ya know  :(
Austin: well I got something sweeter than cake ;)

I laughed and enjoyed a short conversation with him before deleting the messages. A smile genuine smile I thought would never make its way to my face again did and it did because of Austin himself. Wow I got off track I shouldn't think that way. I shook my head and cleared the thoughts away. I gathered my stuff and said my goodbyes to Kellin, leaving to go home, where James was waiting.

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