Chapter 18- Drunk Talk

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My Paid Boyfriend

Chapter 18- Drunk Talk


*Jeremy's POV*

Sky's arm was slung around my waist while my arm wrapped around her shoulders to keep her steady. I didn't see how many beers she drowned down with the time she spent with that Colt guy, but to have her in this state told me it had to be quite a few. I’ve seen Sky drink before but she never got carried away. She was always cautious, drinking water in between, but in the state she’s in now I can see that didn’t happen.

I was dragging her body through the girls’ dormitory when she really started to get loud with her giggling. It's late at night and I didn't plan on getting caught where I'm not supposed to be. I especially didn't want to be seen. 

"You kina remind me of an, an, an, elefart." She laughed hysterically until she snorted, "Not elefart, elephant." She laughed loudly laying her weight on my right side unexpectedly. I almost toppled us over but I held onto the nearest wall and steady ourselves. 

I sighed rolling my eyes as I got us moving, "Oh Sky." I shook my head looking at the door numbers. 

"Ugh Sky." She scoffed, "My parents might as well have just named me Ground. Who names their child after nature or... Sky?" 

"I like the name Sky." I said a matter of fact to her with a light grin. 

She scoffed again rolling her eyes, "You're just saying that to get into my pants and you know what buddy it's not going to happen so HA! You lose!" She shouted poking my chest and sticking her tongue at me. 

"Shh, can you not be so loud." I told her, turning her to the right as I pointed to her door, "Is this yours?" I recalled making sure it was the right one. 

"Shh, Sky not so loud you'll get us in trouble and wake everyone up." I warned her as she jiggled the door knob and pulled at the door. It was only quarter past midnight. Weekend curfew is eleven but they’re not really strict until eleven thirty; actually they’re not really too strict about curfew unless you give them a reason to bring it up or someone complains. That is one thing I didn’t want to happen. 

"Ugh open you stupid door." She growled. 

I rolled my eyes and took control of the door knob, "Push the door idiot not pull." I told her as I pushed her in the room.

"I'm not stupid." She shunned messing with her hair when the first hiccup came. Oh dear....

"Sit on the bed." I instructed her as I flipped on the light switch. I checked over to the other bed seeing if her roommate was asleep but she wasn't in the room. Hmm, wonder where she could be. So long for my dump and ditch plan. "Sky, I told you sit on the bed." I repeated pointing my finger to her bed with a scolding look. 

"You're not my father." She said poking me in the forehead with her index finger. 

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