chapter 15

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- naruto's pov -

i'm the luckiest man alive, I've got a child, and one on the way hehehe. I've got a wonderful wife and my dream has come true, i'm hokage i'm so excited today. i'm walking on the streets and people smile and wave, at me in my hokage hat, i love konoha and all the people "old man Teuchi, pork miso ramen" i asked
"hey, it's naruto" Teuchi said smiling as he turned around "sure thing, naruto" he said and i sat down, man i wish sasuke were here. why did he have to go and get killed when he fought Orochimaru! ugh he is so stupid BELIEVE IT! "be careful it's hot" old man said as he placed a delicious smelling, steaming bowel of ramen down on the bench. it was hot but tasted good, about half way through

"i'll have what he's having. Teuchi" she said and pointed to me
"hehehe" i grinned sheepishly, 

"i thought you might be here" Tenshi said smiling and she sat down next to me,
"how did you know?" i asked
"well i assumed you weren't doing paperwork, so i went here" she said shrugging i was dumbfounded
"don't give me that look, you practically live here" she said and she ruffled my hair, we both turned to the hokage hat that was sitting on the bench.

"i, think mr. Hokage should get back to work" she said seductively
"o-okay" i replied and she chucked i got up and hurried out
"thanks old man" i yelled and ran back to my work

- Tenshi's pov -

"he didn't pay" Teuchi said
"that's fine, i'll do it" i said and handed him the money for mine and his i sat down, and slowly began eating my ramen
"when are you due?" he asked me
"huh" i said and looked at him "oh, uh well. i'm 6 months pregnant and it's January so i'm due in March" i said
"well congratulations" his daughter, ayame said.
"thank you" i replied,
"mummy, mummy, look!" miyuki said
"oh wow, good girl" i said as 2 miyuki's ran towards me "now, which is the real one?" i said ruffling the hair of the fake one
"NO, no" she sad giggling and she poofed away the fake. "can i please have some ramen?" she asked politely
"of course you can" i told her
"vegetarian miso ramen please" she asked
"wow, she's a spitting image of you and naruto" he said (miyuki has metallic yellow hair, large metallic blue eyes that aren't clouded, she has a small nose and 1 whisker on each cheek. she has naruto's personality and my body shape, except her chest will never come close to mine hehe) 

miyuki and i ate our lunch together and headed to watch the chuunin exams, it was okay but that was to be expected of gennin. we cheered the winner and watched as my de facto sat silently in the special booth along with another kage, Tsuchikage i think. i wish i could sit in the booth with him, i feel un easy today. suddenly. the ground exploded
"wow a gennin can't possibly do that" i muttered and the man behind me leaned in and said "because he's not a gennin" i knew it was kabuto "ice style: Ice prison" and i made a dome of ice around miyuki i wish my ice wasn't clear, i don't want her to be seeing this "kabuto, you look different" i stated
"yes, i absorbed lord Orochimaru and he lives in side of me" he said
"eww that's disgusting, kabuchimaru" i yelled at him 

"ice style: ice spears" and massive spears starting being thrown at kabuchimaru but he neatly dodged them, he ran at me and hit me with his hand in my heart "wind sage: gale palm" and wind thrashed around giving him lots of cuts, he was bleeding a lot  "wind sage: dragon blade rasengan" and threw a rasengan with wind kuni in them one of them hit him while he was regaining balance and his arm came flying off gross
"we'll be back" he said "hiss hiss" he said and he and snake breath mutation were gone. i collapsed on my hands and knees then i un did the ice prison and fell on my back
"cough cough" wait, i just coughed up blood, kabuto used his medical ninjutsu for bad like the gentle fist oh no
"TENSHI!" naruto said as he ran to my aid, i would've looked horrible "SAKURA!' he yelled and he came over
"kabuto's ninjutsu bad like gentle fist... ack" and i blacked out

- sakura's pov -

this is bad, the hokage has been hokage for mere weeks and his girl friend is dying in front of him and she has his child "she suffered severe heart damage" i said
"fix it, please" he said and hugged miyuki who sat next to him, he strength all round was dropping quickly
"naruto, get me more medical ninja's now" i said and he hurried off. he came back with 3 ninja, that may be enough... just "alright, give her chakra to her chakra system to keep her going and i need 2 of you to give you chakra to me the all nodded and went to work "we can't take her to the hospital, it's too risky, we'll just need to see how it goes" i said
"that bastard! believe it he'll pay!" 

*** time skip *** 

"it's been all night and i'm surprised that she held on we'll just need to see how she goes. 

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