intro (part 2)

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*** time skip (15 years)***

name: Tenshi Uzumaki     

Age: 29

status:  leaf jonnin Kaze chuunin

relation status: married, Naruto Uzumaki

Kids: 1 and pregnant, miyuki Uzumaki (4) and kuroe Uzumaki (6 mths)  (in memory)

clan: kaze, small village west of konoha

appearance: waist length silver hair, large metallic blue eyes clouded (like anko), small nose and light freckles on cheeks and nose. thin and tall, stick like body except for chest which is large. she wears black neck to toes skins, black knee length dress and chest protection

likes: naruto, sake, miyuki, all of the konoha 12, kakashi, guy, iruka, dango's and ice style

dream: to be the best wind sage to ever walk the earth and be a great mother and wife for the current hokage.

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