chapter 11

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- Tenshi's pov -

*** time skip (3 months) -

i refused to call Orochimaru lord, instead i call him snake breath, he hates it but doesn't disrespect me because he knows about the show down. we learnt heaps about the wind sage like, you can't use any wind style without wind sage mode and you can't use any jutsu from before the transformation but i learnt heaps of new jutsu and that i have water style as well meaning i have the kekkei genkai ice release, how awesome!! but i no longer have nightmares but i do dream of naruto lots, how's he doing, if he thinks of me, that stuff. i get to meet the infamous sasuke uchiha today, good thing my ice is fire resistant hehehe "Tenshi, time now" kabuto said as he opened the door to my room, I've pretty much kept to myself but i made friends with a man called suigetsu hozuki, i promised he could live with us in konoha when i escaped, he's really funny and he helped me in my first few weeks here. i miss every thing, even the hokage. i never thought i could miss her.

i walked out into a field, sasuke was in the center "what the hell are you wearing?!" i asked, it was the most ugliest thing i'd ever seen
"a kimono" he replied and didn't bother to look at me, i was still wearing my black neck to toe skin and black knee dress with chest protection and i had my silver hair in a bun but his was ugly
"let's fight?" i asked
"hn" was his reply.

i threw a rasengan and he dodged it, "fire style: fireball jutsu" he yelled

"ice style: ice prison technique" i yelled and the fire ball hit the ice but it did nothing "water style: mouth shot" i yelled and a pillar of water shot out of my mouth and hit sasuke and he was flung back
"chidori" he yelled and ran at me, i flipped up and turned my kuni into a chakra bade and it became a taijutsu battle, he threw a shuriken and me which i neatly dodged, sasuke used his sharingan to cast a genjutsu on me, but before he could i sent a chakra gust of wind to break out of the jutsu for me, "ice style: ice spears" i yelled and 3 large spears appeared and flew at sasuke.

"fire style: burning ash" he yelled, i couldn't see anything and my eyes hurt, i was coughing a lot

"chidori" he yelled, i didn't know where it was coming from
"aaah" i screamed as a chidori hit my arm, i used my medical jutsu to heal my arm, then "wind style: gale palm" i said and all the ash was swept away, my chakra was very low, from that but sasuke's was too and his back was to me (i don't think he knew i was still awake), i threw 2 senbons at his neck, giving him a temporary death state.
"ha i win" and i laid on my back
"my my child" Orochimaru said

"don't call me child" i said and threw a senbon next to his neck, he caught it with his tongue "gross" i said grimacing. i stayed on the ground fro a while, i may have slept 

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