Chapter 1

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- Tenshi's pov -

I woke up excited, as usual and I ran down stairs. To my delight my parents were their and they had made me breakfast

"Thank you so much mum and dad" I exclaimed and I wolfed down my breakfast as for today was the day of graduation at the academy
"honey, don't eat so fast" my mother said with concern
"don't worry" I told her and I raised my hand as to wave her away. I saw my dad roll his eye he lost his other one in a battle and chuckle
"have a good day" he yelled as I ran out the door, I was so excited that I slept in my ninja gear, traditional kaze was black fabric skins from neck to ankles and black knee length dress and chest protection, I needed a size up because my boobs are really big. I slipped on my running shoes and met up with samu and kuroe.

- samu pov -

I looked left and saw Tenshi running towards me, I was 3 years older than her but I had a massive crush on her, the way her boobs moved when she ran if only she could've said yes -- "Hey, you guys!" She screamed waving her hand as she ran towards me and Kuroe, she stopped and breathed heavily.
"Hello" kuroe said as she started to walk to school, Tenshi flushed and ran up to her, I stayed behind. I wasn't sure what they were talking about but kuroe kept glancing at me and Tenshi giggled as kuroe blushed. We were half way there when our chief walked up to Tenshi and asked her to come to receive a one person mission.
"Yes I accept this mission" and she nodded her head. The chief ran off and Tenshi followed "bye, I'll be back in 1 month" and she disappeared around the corner.

- Tenshi's pov - 

I'll miss those 2 I thought as I was running after our chief
"this mission is an A rank" he told me,  The kaze academy is different, you graduate in classes; gennin, chuunin and jonnin. I am graduating as jonnin this year so i'm still a chuunin.
"you are to go to the leaf village to give this scroll to the hokage, this scroll is very special so there will be bandits, robbers and other ninja after it, ok?" He asked I nodded sternly and picked it up
"under no circumstances are you to read this" and once again I nodded, I jumped out the window and landed on my feet, it wasn't high maybe 2 meters? But I sped off towards the village gate and to the leaf. I ran for ages until I saw the brilliant sunset, I was still about 2 days worth of running left to go. the scroll, it was both thick and heavy so it was filled with lots of words, I unpacked the rice balls I bought with my and sat my a small stream to have some water and food then I rested my head on a tree trunk and settled down to sleep.

About half way through the night I woke up to the cold wind and with a simple wind jutsu, the wind changed direction and warm wind blew from the hot spring on the out skirts of the hidden leaf, I slept till morning. Swiftly packing up my stuff and I ran to the hidden leaf, I got to the far out skirts by night fall and decided I needed to relax so I went and soaked in the hot springs, you would think that having a cloth over my eyes would be a good indicator that I didn't want to talk, I was wrong
"hello" a young voice called as they lifted a corner of my cloth. I opened an eye to look at them, "are you from the kaze clan?" she was young maybe 5 or 6
"wow that's really cool!" 
"seriously? we're only third best, go grovel over a huuga or uchiha"

"but they're not nice, kaze are nice"
"well this kaze is sore and tired"
"can you show me one jutsu then?"


"i'm never going to leave you alone"

"ugh, fine. What cha want?"

"some thing cool and powerful"

Getting up I put my hands out in front of me and close my eyes, I concentrated on the wind, I did some hand signs 
"rasengan!" the wind rippled in the swirling wind which tangled with our hair and a blue ball with highly concentrated chakra forms in my hand, the little girls eyes widen in awe as she takes in this destructive mass. i aim at a tree and throw it with all my might and a huge crack and crashing sound disrupts the gentle evening as the tree snaps in two and falls over but luckily it didn't break anything.

I eased myself back in and the girl sat next to me
"is that your favorite jutsu?"
 "you can say that"

"because it kills people" i let venom lace my voice she looked scared and she ran off. A few hours later I was dressed and I'd eaten at a local ramen shop, it tasted great! I walk around for a bit until I find a local inn
"hello" I said whilst smiling and waving politely
"why hellllooo dahling!" A man exclaimed, I think he might be gay though
"I'd like a room for the night please"
"sure you can girly but, do you have another person coming around later? if not I'll do it?"
I chakra slapped him into another room (kazes can either magor wind minor medic like me or magor medic minor wind but only kaze members who magor wind can be chief) he groaned
"i hope you take that as a no" I said sternly
"miss, your room is ready" a maid says 
"thanks" I said death glaring the man as I strided off to my room

I up pack and get into my pj's and sleeping hat I wondered about what Samu and Kuroe were doing now maybe chilling? Or did kuroe have the courage to ask him out? I wasn't sure so I wondered what staying in the leaf was like, it would be big, I'd make new friends and I'm sure to have fun.

*** time skip ***

I woke up and re packed my stuff, I took a shower and washed my hair in bamboo shampoo and coconut conditioner, I got dressed and ate my last dango for breakfast, hurrying out the door I paid and sped away "I'M OFF THE THE HIDDEN LEAF!" I yelled as I ran, i did try to jump and click my heels but it didn't really work and i tripped and fell on my face, skidding along the ground, in front of everyone. I saw many heads turn and they were laughing as a patted the dirt off and i started sprinting, eager to escape the embarrassment.

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