chapter 13

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- third pov -

shikamaru just shrugged and they sat down, ate rice balls and tea then they started running again... ran, stopped, ran, ate, argued, slept, ran, ate, stopped, argued, ran, arrived home

- tsunade's pov -

"naruto, guy, kakashi, shikamaru and Tenshi are supposed to arrive today" i told shizune "no need to worry lady hokage" i looked and saw shizune looking at a group of people coming this way and....... they exploded the wall
"naruto" Tenshi said dis approvingly
"don't break walls" she said
"hehehe" he replied, i chuckled

"hey, i'm suigetsu hozuki" he said holding out one of his hands and slicking his hair back with the other.
"hello" i replied and eyed kakashi carefully
"Tenshi promised he could live in the village with us" he told me

"hmm" i pursed my lips

"okay but,  guy, he's living with you" i said and guys mouth dropped
"why" he said "because naruto and Tenshi live together, kakashi and iruka live together and guy, you live alone" i said he sweat dropped
"come on suigetsu, ill show you the way" suigetsu snickered and followed after they left the rest of us laughed as well

"you may go but Tenshi, please stay" i told her, she nodded and her silver hair fell in her face. she let go of naruto's hand
"oh, before i forget" she got out 2 packets of extra premium ramen cups and gave them to naruto he nodded and left
"now, Orochimaru's men will be going out after you, i expect you know that, so i will be sending you on as many missions as possible" she nodded and i gave her a forehead protector with the leaf symbol and a blue cloth to match her eyes. 

"thank you, lady hokage" she said and she walked out of the room
"wait" i yelled and she came back in
"am i leaving on a mission?" she asked
"yes, with naruto and sakura" i replied "you are to go to the Kaze village and collect scrolls from the secret volts" i said to her, she didn't look happy but she complied
"yes lady hokage i'll collect them and go now" she said nodding and left

- sakura's pov - 

i was working at the hospital when naruto and Tenshi came,

"hey guys, what can i do for you?" i said
"lady hokage sent the 3 of us on a mission" she replied
"yea believe it, we're going to kaze" he said
"we need to collect scrolls from the secret underground volt" she said
"okay" i replied and we left, i was just happy i had something to do, the hospital was slow today, that is a good thing but still. we ran until night fall where we stopped at an inn,

"a room for 1 night please" Tenshi said smiling. the man turned and his face went pale, what did she do to him i wondered
"y-yes of course" he said and pointed us to a room
"what did you do to him?" i asked Tenshi, "he hit on me so i hit him, or something but he's really scared of me now, hehe" she said and sheepishly smiled in a quilty kinda way, it was cute that she took after naruto. in the morning we paid, ate, ran, stopped, pee break, ate, ran, arrive at the village gates

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