Chapter 22

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"Eric lets go! We have to leave!" Louis called to the boy who was playing.

"Where Wes go?" Eric asked as he dragged his new stuffed animal towards where Louis was standing.

"We have to go to Zayn's footie game, him and daddy are already at the field along with Uncle Liam and Uncle Niall!"

"Okays, but it's gonnas be cold, so I brings a big blanket!" Eric said.

"Of course baby, there is a big blanket in the car, and you can put on a sweatshirt."

Eric ran over and grabbed one of Harry's big sweatshirts that were hanging on the door and brought it over with big eyes.

"Okay, I guess you can wear it, Daddy shouldn't be too mad."

Louis pulled the sweatshirt over the boy's head and took him to the car as his shoes were already on.



"How longs we stay?"

"It shouldn't be longer than an hour."


The ride was silent until they pulled up to the soccer field where their team was warming up. The first thing Eric saw when Louis brought him over to the field was Zayn in his green uniform. And since Zayn left before he woke up, naturally the first thing he did was say hi to him. So Eric ran from Louis right into the field where Zayn was.

"ZeeZee!" He cheered.

"Get off Eric! You're not supposed to be here!" Zayn yelled angrily, obviously embarrassed.

"Awe, Zayn is this your little brother?" Zayn's friend Andrew asked.

By now the team was given a break so Louis saw no sense in getting Eric until he had too, thinking he was fine with Zayn.

"He's not my brother!" Zayn said.

He was getting angry because he wanted to be cool around his friends and having his little brother around him was definitely not cool.

"Yes! I ZeeZees brother!"

"No! He's only with us because his daddy and mommy and sister are all dead. Daddy and Baba wanted me because I'm their son, Eric is just staying."

Eric frowned and look down as all the players were called to start the game and Eric walked off to Louis. Zayn felt a bit guilty, he did love Eric and knew he was his brother, but he couldn't let other people know that. He had to be cool, and if he kept Eric away when his friends were around then there would be no problem.

"Are you getting cold Eric?" Harry asked.


Harry sat him in between him and Louis andwrapped him in a big blanket before kissing his head and turning to the game that was starting.

"Nice job Zaynie! You scored four goals today!" Louis cheered as Zayn ran off the field into his arms.

"Thank you baba!" Zayn said.

"We are so proud of you Zayn," Harry said while holding a shivering Eric.

"Then can I have my friend Sammy over?" Zayn asked.

"Sure, we already talked to his mother before the came, he's coming home with us," Harry said.

"Yayyy!" Zayn cheered as his friend came over and they all climbed into the car.

"How do you boys feel about peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches?" Louis asked.

"With chips?" Zayn asked.

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