Chapter 17

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Zayn loved having a younger brother, he always had someone to snuggle with and play with when Louis and Harry weren't around and it was like having a lifelong sleepover. However, there was one thing that he absolutely hated about it, having to share his stuff. It was his stuff first so he automatically believed that he was untitled to it.

"Eric! That's mine!" Zayn shrieked as he saw Eric playing with an old truck he hadn't used in months.

"Sorry ZeeZee, didn't knows you was using its!"

"You have your own toys!" Zayn said pointing to the small pile of toys in the corner.

Harry and Louis thought that Zayn had enough toys for both boys to use so they only brought the toys that they knew Eric really loved.

"I'm sorry ZeeZee."

Zayn huffed and turned around to play while Eric went over to the small pile of toys but lots of them needed new batteries so he picked them up and struggled as he carried them over to Louis.

"Woah there buddy, whatcha doing?"

"Needs new batries!"

"You mean batteries?"


"I'm sorry buddy but we don't have any, we can pick some up at the store later but there are plenty of toys that you can use in the playroom!"

Eric nodded and brought the toys back dumping them in the corner.

"ZeeZee can I plays with one of your toys?"


"Why nots?"

"Because they are mine!"

"But Baba said I could."

"I don't care! I lived here first so all of the toys and games that were here before belong to me!" Zayn said harshly.

Eric was about to say something until it all clicked for him, they were Zayn's daddies first, and this was his house first. Eric sighed and went to his room where he sat on the floor and tried to read a book but had no luck so he just looked at the pretty pictures. He was looking through the bookcase when one caught his eye, it had a picture of princess on the fronts and covered in sparkles.

"I wan' be pincess," Eric whispered while looking through the pictures.

He kept looking until the door opened and Harry walked in.

"Hi baby, why aren't you playing downstairs?"

"Wan' to reads book."

"Oh okay, well it's bath time bub!"

Eric nodded and put his books away while Harry looked at him confused, usually when Eric read a book he would talk for twenty minutes straight about what he read, or what he thought he read.

Harry picked him and undressed him then placed him in the bath that he ran before finding Eric. While bathing the little boy Harry decided to talk to him.

"Why so quiet baby?"

Eric shrugged and played with his hands so Harry thought and then smiled coming up with an idea.

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