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Name:  Tenshi

Age: 14

Gender: female

status: kaze chuunin

Clan: Kaze, a small village west of konoha

Appearance: long silver hair, tall slender body with a large chest. Clouded metallic blue eyes a small button nose and plump cheeks have small light brown freckles, lips that aren't full but they love smiling. They are a light pink color like my fair skin

Likes: my best friends (from Kaze) Samu and kuroe. From the leaf all of the konoha 12 and naruto especially. I love spending time with naruto, eating ramen and training.

Dream: my dream was to become the chief of my clan, the chief becomes the wind sage and has the power to control wind effortlessly so that they can protect our village and when our chief dies the next one is selected by status of age. I would've been about 213th in the village and only full blood Kazes 'can become leader. All full blood kaze have silver hair and blue eyes, a representation of wind.

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