Chapter XXI: Delicate

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Chapter XXI: Delicate

The week travels slowly by the standards of Ted, of whom has been missing scattered days throughout it’s entirety.

Between hangovers, love sickness, and a legitimate sickness, he hasn’t been too keen on school. Not to mention just the way his heart has been moaning pitifully for the only person he can’t have.

Winston has noticed his friend’s inability to get to school some days, and if anything he’ll ask if Ted’s okay when he skips out on class, or text him good morning in an attempt to rile him out of bed. But for some reason Ted seems unwilling to talk to Winnie, or even to see him.

And Winston has no idea what it is that he’s done wrong. He fears maybe Ted found out he’s dating Ben. Or that maybe Ted is starting to drift on and his friendship with Marcus is taking precedence. Maybe Ted has found out that Winnie isn’t exactly what’s considered straight and he doesn’t want to be friends anymore.

All day Friday Winston broods over this. Ted is nowhere to be found, and according to a text from his sister he’s actually come down with a nasty fever.

Kate also asks Winston if he’d be willing to come over after school. That comes as a surprise to him. He hadn’t even known Kate had his number, but then again he assumes she could’ve just gotten it from Ted. Either way, he agrees to come over after classes ended. Winnie definitely owes Ted that much, considering how Ted had practically become Winnie’s willing servant when he was going through a difficult time.

“Are we going to start telling people?” Ben asks after Winnie has put his cell away. They’re in art now, but neither seem particularly interested in their projects. Ben has started sketching out his mural outside the auditorium but he seems to recognize that Winston is in need of some comfort currently.

“Telling them what?” Winston mutters.

Ben rolls his eyes. “You know what.”

Winston sighs. “I don’t know. I just… I’m going to tell Ted later today. I feel like he’s gotten some sort of clue, or someone told him, or something. He’s been avoiding me lately.”

“You don’t think he’ll be mad, do you?” Ben asks, worried. He doubts Ted would get physical in a fistfight sense; in the back of his mind he’s remembering how protective Ted was of Winnie when he’d been hurt. Though he wouldn’t tell Winnie about it, he was worried Ted might get physical in a different way. Ted has always had a sort of claim over Winnie.

“I’ll take you over to his house if you like. I’m not sure where it is though.”

“I can help you, it’s not too far and it’s pretty easy to find.” Winston crosses his arms on the table and drops his head down, moaning unhappily. “What’d I do? I’ve gone and fucked something up. He probably hates me now.”

Ben rubs Winnie’s back soothingly, and Winston doesn’t care if anyone sees right now. He’ll probably be revealing the news tomorrow anyway.

“It’s been what, four days? He’s probably just been busy. And he’s sick too. I’m sure you’re just overthinking things a little, Winnie.”

Win takes Ben’s hand in both of his own, tracing small shapes on Benji’s skin.

“I guess,” Winnie agrees grudgingly. He presses a quick kiss to Ben’s palm. “When I’m done talking to Ted, would you want to do something?”

Ben smiles at the suggestion. “If you’d like. I was going to go home and sleep, but you can join me if you want.”

Winston grins. “Fine by me.” He loves that Ben doesn’t mind him being over. Even better, he doesn’t mind cuddling and doesn’t push anything beyond that.

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