Chapter XVII: If I Had Wings

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Chapter XVII: If I Had Wings

Ted comes to slowly, blinking back weariness. Winston is still draped across his body, mumbling and squirming a little in his sleep.

Ted sighs. The scars on Winnie’s arm have caught his attention again, and he can feel the dread weighing down his thoughts even as Winston moves to take his arm from Ted’s reach.

Both boys look up and their eyes meet. It’s like an electric shock goes through them as Winston jumps and scrambles to get up, effectively tripping backwards and landing ass first on the floor.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t-.” Winston starts rambling off a long apology and Ted can’t help but laugh. “I just fell asleep, I wasn’t-”


“I swear to God I’m not-.”

“Winnie. Let’s just… forget about it. We just feel asleep, it’s not like we did anything.” Ted offers, blushing brilliantly. He wishes they had done something.

“Right,” Winnie says weakly, yanking his sleeves down to cover the mostly healed wounds.

“What are those from?” Ted asks, trying to sound casual.

Winston casts his eyes downward. Hiding the truth from Ted had been difficult enough.  Now that he’s asking about it Winston isn’t sure he can keep it from him anymore. He wants to tell Ted, wants him to know so he can help. Ted would be willing to help; he always is.

Winston bites his lip. Needing help is a weakness, and besides he has this whole situation under control. The cuts were just to deal with the stress of school work, the hospital visit, all of that shit. He can stop any time he wants to.

“They’re burns,” Winston says finally.

Ted nods slowly. “I assumed so. Was it your dad?”

Winston clears his throat and tries once again to avoid Ted’s gaze. “Ahhh, no. No, it wasn’t my dad.”

“Winnie,” Ted breathes out softly.

Winston realizes that Ted instantly understands the situation and now he can feel his heart breaking at the sound of disappointment in Ted’s voice.

Ted stands awkwardly on his good leg and pulls Winston into a friendly hug.

“I’m sorry,” Winston apologizes, voice muffled by Ted’s shoulder. “I’ve just… been dealing with a lot, and it helped get all the feelings out. I’m sorry.”

Ted gives a pained chuckles, squeezing Winnie a little tighter before letting him go so he can look into the younger boy’s eyes. “What’re you apologizing for? There’s nothing to be sorry about.”

Winston cracks a broken smile at that. “Well thanks, but I disagree. I ended up in the hospital. I should at least apologize for scaring the shit out of you.”

Ted laughs for real now. “I don’t want you to apologize.” He attempts to give Winston a warm smiles, hoping he doesn’t see the unfallen tears that are clouding his vision. “I just want you to ask for help. You’re my best friend, Win, I’m not going to think any less of you if you ask for help.”

Winston smiles back weakly. “Well, Thanks, I guess. It’s just hard to open up to people…” Winnie wants to get off the topic already. He hates being the center of attention.

Ted can tell that Winston doesn’t want to talk about it any more, so he clears his throat and changes the topic. He won’t push Winston any farther. Not tonight. “How about we try to get through the second one without falling asleep this time?”

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