Chapter XV: Oblivion

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Chapter XV: Oblivion

Winston is incredibly jittery, unable to contain his happiness. Today is the day he gets to go home, and fuck but he couldn’t be more relieved. He still feels crappy, but the doctors say it’s not surprising. They gave him a prescription for another week of antibiotics to take, but they’re expecting him to make a full recovery and feel better within the next few days.

He’s a bit upset because he’s being forced to stay home for the entirety of the next week, and just the thought of all the makeup work makes him anxious. Not to mention all the people asking questions.

Winston signs the rest of the papers without even looking, surprised to see several with the school logo on it. He just signs those too, not even caring enough to glance at them.

Ted is still curled up sleeping at Winnie’s side. He’s obviously exhausted, and Winston doesn’t have the heart to wake him. He looks so adorable while he’s sleeping.

“Could I steal your arm for a moment?” The most recent nurse asks patiently.

Winston sticks his left arm out for her, rolling his sleeve back. She cuts the bandages away, inspecting the burns. They’re almost completely healed, and Winston can see that they’re going to leave nasty scars.

“Did something happen to your friend?” She asks, sounding curious. Tessa, according to her little tag, puts a thin layer of antibiotic cream over the injuries and bandages them up again. Once he finishes signing the papers he can go home. He starts signing faster.

“He got into a car crash,” Winston answers her, frowning. Ted has started to shift restlessly in his sleep, muttering incoherently.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Tessa says, sounding genuinely apologetic. “I’m glad he’s not more seriously injured.”

Winston nods in agreement. “I don’t know what I’d do without him, he’s my best friend.”

Ted’s expression twists like he’s in pain, and Winston can’t stand to see that, so he shakes his shoulder gently to wake him from whatever dream he’s having.

Ted moans weakly, and Winston can feel his heart flutter a bit. His friend cracks one eye open. “Hey.”

Winston smirks. Ted has a pretty damn sexy morning voice. Winnie instantly backtracks on that thought, and forces himself to forget it. Ted is just a friend anyway. He’s just been all flustered and confused since he met Ben. That’s all.

“Hey. You looked like you were having a nightmare, so I woke you up.” Winston glances to his left, but the Tessa girl has already made her way out.

“Oh. Thanks.”

Ted rubs his eyes. He still feels exhausted. He hadn’t slept very well; he spent the whole night teetering between a shallow sleep and consciousness due to pain and nightmares.

He manages to get out of the bed with one hand on Winston’s shoulder for support. He avoids putting putting weight on his leg because it’s hurting like a bitch today.

“You all right?” Winston asks. He starts shoving the books Ted had brought him back into their bag.

“Yeah,” Ted mumbles, taking time to stretch out a bit. “Are you ready to leave?”

Winston nods, getting up and joining Ted in his little stretches. “Everything is signed. My mum just has to sign a few when she gets here.”

As if summoned by being mentioned, Emma Marshall comes into the room, a little breathless with an excited Cherry in tow.

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