Chapter 2

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"Dad I'm home!" 

I drop my book bag on the floor and went to the living room to see my dad watching football as always.

"Dad?" I said. I was towards him and saw his eyes close. "Dad?" I shook him but he didn’t open his eyes. "Dad?" I shook him harder and I check his heart but his heart wasn’t beating.

"DAD!" I yelled. He didn’t open his eyes and I started to freak out. I grab the house phone and call 911 but then I saw him open his eyes and he gave me smile.

I drop the phone and started to scream at him “YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!"

I put my hand on my chest because my heart was beating fast. All my dad did was laugh at me and I gave him a glare. "It’s not funny dad you scared me I thought you were dead!" Now he had tears on his eyes.

I shook my head and grab my book bag and went up to my room. I still heard my dad laughter downstairs and I put my headphones to not hear him. I saw my big brother come in my room and his mouth was moving. I gave him a confused look and he walks over to me and took my headphones off.

"Hey dork what’s dad laughing now?" He asked.

"I told you not to call me a dork and dad laughing because he scared the beans out of me." Now it was Johnny turns to laugh. "Well that’s what you get dork I knew it would work."

"YOU GAVE HIM THAT IDEA?!" I yelled at him. He shook his head and I punch him on the arm.

I walk downstairs with Johnny behind and I saw dad watching TV with his eyes open. When he saw me he smile and asked “So how are you sweetie?"

"I'm fine after you scared the living shit out of me." I said sarcastically.

“Hey! No cursing in this house." He said in his father tone. I roll my eyes and smile at him.

"Dad can I hang out with my friends on Friday?" I asked him.

He looks at me and says “Why?"

"She wants to go to a party and get high." Johnny says.

I glare at him and gave him the finger.

He smiles at me sweetly and dad said "You better not be going to a party and getting high and you’re not getting pregnant."

I stare at him wide eye and shook my head. “Me and my friends are going to a haunted house and play a game there and I will be back at 12:00am"


"But dad!"



"Do you want me to go lower?"

I shook my head and ran to my room and call Nelda. "Dude, he said I can go but I have to be home at 10:00pm."

"That’s great!" Nelda said but her voice sound like she has been crying. “What’s wrong Nelda?"

"Nothing!" She said quickly.

"Are you sure?" I asked her.

There was a moment of silence when she whispered "I'm fine." I knew she wasn’t fine but I didn’t push her.

“Where were you?" I said getting off my bed and walking towards me door. 

"Sorry I have to go. Bye Wednesday." Then she hangs up before I got to say bye to her. I stare at my phone and close it. I wonder what is going on with her. 


Nelda Pov

I sigh and put my phone on my dresser. How can I tell Wednesday this? She will hate me and then tell someone that I’m a lying whore or something that I don’t want to even know. She will never believe me. Let’s see what’s going to happened tomorrow. 

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