Chapter 1

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5 days earlier 

Wednesday's Pov


"Come on please!" 



"Don’t you hear the words that are coming out of my mouth? NO!"

Kymberly pouted and sat back down in her chair. I roll my eyes and continued reading my book but I was rudely interrupted by Kym's voice. "Please I really want someone to come with me and nobody goes in there."

I slam my book on the lunch table and growled at her "If you ask me one more time I will jump on this table attack you and you will be bald." She looked scared so she got up from the table and went to talk to her other "friends." Kymberly has blond hair which is always curly, hazel eyes and has a mold on top of her lip but on right side.

I look over at Nelda and her head was down. "Nelda what have I told you?" I asked her. She puts her head up and gave me a small smile.

Nelda has pale brown hair and has these very pretty eyes but I don’t know the name of it and sometimes she changes her hair into a short mohawk and its black. I smile back at her but then her smile disappeared and I raised my eyebrow. She pointed behind me and I turn around to see someone I don’t want to see right now.

I glare at him and asked him "What are you doing here?" He flinched and I didn't know my voice was that harsh.

He was holding a blue rose and a box of chocolate. "Can I sit down?" He asked. I nod my head and he sat down and gave me the blue rose.

"I'm sorry Wednesday I should have come but I didn't you know my mother." I relaxed a little bit because his mother was dying of cancer and not only has that he has an abused father.

"I’m sorry I forgot." I said softly.

He smile and gave me a kiss on the lips and I couldn't help but smile back. I look back at Nelda and she was glaring at Link and Link just smirked at her.

"What’s wrong Nelda?" I asked her.

"Nothing." She said and got up from the table and left.

I look back at Link and he just shrugged his shoulders. Link has blue eyes and has short hair which is black and he sometimes wears a hat because and I quote “It makes me look cool." It does but I’m not going to say that to him. 

"Where’s Nelda?" Kym asked me when she came back and had her boyfriend.

I smile at him and gave a small wave. "Hey Zeven." He smiles at me and try to say something but Kym kept asking me questions about where is Nelda.

"She left," I said.

Kym gave me a crazy look and practically yelled at me "Where IS SHE?!? I WANTED TO ASK HER!?"

 I cover my ears and Zeven and Link did too. She gave us a mad look and was about to say something when Xan came to the cafeteria.

Some people stop what they were doing and look at him. He just rolled his eyes and walk to a table that was empty. Kym looked at me and gave me a huge smile “We should ask him to come with us."

I shook my head and said “He doesn’t want to come."

Kym rolled her eyes and said “You don’t even know!"

I shrugged and I saw Kym walk to Xan and I look at Zeven who just shrugged his shoulders.

"I don’t even know why she is doing this." Zeven said.

"Doing what?" Link asked.

"She is asking us to come to a house and play a stupid game on Friday."

 Link looked at me and I shook my head and said "I'm not going."

Link grabs my hand and kissed it "Come on it might be fun." He said.

I was about to say something when Kym crash into me and yelled out "HE SAID YES!"

My eyes went wide and I look at Xan. He looks at me and had a blank expression on. I felt someone bump me and it was Kym giving me a smirk.

She whispered me in my ear “He is mine."

I gave her a confused look and pointed to Link and said “I have someone already."

The bell rings and it was time for our next class. We all got up and walk to our class but Kym asked me “So are you coming Wed?"

I glared at her and said "My name is Wednesday not Wed. I hate that nickname."

She ignored me and asked "Are you coming?"

I look at Link and Zeven. Link looked like he wanted to go so bad and Zeven looked like he was scared at didn’t care much. I look back at Kym and she looked like she was going to burst into happiness.

I sigh and said "Fine I’ll come."  

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