4. Flashback (pt. 3)

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~14 years old~

It was the summer after eighth grade. I met a boy, Tony, at the beginning of the summer.

We have spent every day together. He's my best friend. My only friend. And I have fallen in love with him...

"Hey Livy! Wanna come down to the creek with me?" Tony asked when he ran into my room.

"Sure! Let me put on my shoes!" I tell him and slip on my converse.

His brown hair is pushed to the side and he looks perfect. I got my bike from the side of the house and we rode off to the small creek we found that summer.

Sadly, it's a week until school starts. I'll be going to Nash High School, the only good part about that is that Tony is coming too.

"I missed you, Livy." Tony said with a smile that made my heart race. "I missed you too."

Finally we reach the creek and place out bikes in the grass. "How about a swim?" He suggests.

"Really?" I ask with a smile. He nods, "Race ya!" We both get up and dive into the lukewarm water.

We laugh and splash each other. The sun was hot against our backs as we swam. After what seemed like hours, we got out and laid in the grass.

"Hey Livy?" Tony asked.


"C-can I try something...?"

I gulp and nod. "M'kay." He replies and leans in close to my face.

My breath hitches and I lean into his lips. The kiss lasts a few seconds before I pull away.

"Tony, I really like you..." I tell him and look down.

His hand lifts my chin up and he looks into my eyes. "The feeling is mutual."

He leans back in and deepens the kiss. I slowly lay down on the soft grass and continue kissing his lips.

I have been waiting for this forever. After awhile we both pull away, panting.

"Woah..." He mumbles and smiles. It was getting dark and we could see a few stars. He turns on his side to look at me.

"You're beautiful, Olivia. There's no need to hurt yourself..." I blush and nod, thanking him.

When I got home, I couldn't sleep. Maybe things were going to work out for me this year.

That whole week I didn't hear from him and it was the first day of school now. I took my bag into the gym where all the freshmen were meeting for an assembly and saw Tony sitting by Taylor Ulana.

I went and sat next to him. "Hey Tony!"

"Tony, what is she doing here...?" Taylor says in disgust.

"I'm his friend..." I reply and look at Tony.

"No you're not! Babe, I don't know what she's talking about. She's just an emo freak." Tony says and turns away from me.

Taylor giggles and kisses him on the mouth. My heart shattered instantly. How could this happen...


~14 years old~

"Bye Olivia, bye Nick." Our mom said as she left with her friends for a night out.

As soon as she left Nick was pulling on his coat. "Where are you going?" Fourteen year old me asked.

"To Kyle's house." He replied. "But you're not supposed to leave. You're grounded..." I remind him.

"So? Bye Olive!" He shouts as he jumps on his skateboard and rides down the street.

Great... Now I'm alone with Jake...

"Olivia! Get in here!" Jake yells. Obviously he's nice to me around mom and Nick. But when I'm left alone with him he's a jerk.

I slowly walk into the living room where he sits with a beer in his hand. "Go grab two beers, and go up to your room!" He orders.

I nod and do what he told me to. Five minutes later he comes into my room in just his underwear.

His belly hangs over the waistband of the clothing. "W-what are you doing...?"

"Givin' you what you deserve..." He replies as he takes off his underwear. I scream and try to run around him but he quickly catches my arm and pushes me onto the bed.

"Please no..." I beg. He chuckles and pulls off my black, snowman printed pj shorts and ripped through my panties.

I scream once more before he clasps his large, disgusting hand over my mouth. My eyes widen and i gasp in pain as he enters me.

As the next two hours pass, i am in continuously in pain. One he was finished, it was eleven at night. He left me laying in my own blood on my now ruined mattress.

He must have hurt me bad enough to make me bleed from... there....

After a few minutes, i got up and gathered the bloody sheets and threw them away in my bathroom garbage can. I go and get a new outfit and carefully put it on.

My whole body ached as i quietly walked though the hall to Nick's bedroom.

"Nick... Can i come in?" I ask as i peek into his room. He's laying on his blue bed, but instantly jumps to his feet when he sees me crying.

"Olive... What's wrong...?" He asks and hugs me tightly.

"Jake... He r-raped me..." I reply and burst into another wave of tears. "He fucking what!" He exclaimed.

"I'm going to kill that bastard!"

"No Nick. Please just leave it be tonight... I'll tell mom tomorrow... And you can call the cops..." I suggest and lay back in his bed.

"Livy... I'm so sorry i wasn't here.... I should have listened to you..." He whispers and kisses my forehead before turning off the lamp.

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