7. Nick's Letter

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Nick's P.O.V.

I slowly woke up and looked around. Usually Olivia wakes me up at this time. I rub my eyes and look at the alarm clock.


Okay, good. It's not too late. A folded white piece of paper catches my eye as I sit up.

I grab it off the nightstand and open it. I immediately recognize Olivia's handwriting.

Dear Nick nack,

Nick, I love you so much. I'm sorry if I was ever annoying to you. You were the only person that cared about me.

Thank you for being there for me after what happened with daddy. Thank you for being there after what happened with Jake. Thank you for all the comments and love you gave me.

You are the best person I know. If only things could be different.

I have decided to end my life. By the time you are reading this, I'm most likely already dead.

Just know that I love you and I'm sorry. Please live your life and be happy.


I dropped the note and ran to Olivia's room. The whole way I mumbled 'no' repeatedly.

This can't be happening. She's... Oh my god.

"Olivia. Olive. Open the door, sweetie." I say as I try to turn the doorknob. Of course it's locked.

"Livy. Please open the door." Im crying by now. After a few minutes I give up and kick the door in.

The first thing I see is the empty pill bottle and a bloody blade. "NO!" I scream and run into her bedroom.

Olivia is laying on the ground with blood surrounding her. There is one long cut from her wrist to her elbow on each arm.

Her beautiful face is stained with tears and a few pills lay around her.

"This can't be happening. No. No. No. Livy please. Please Olive. I love you. I'm sorry I never said it. I love you so much. Please come back. Oh Olivia!" I scream as I rock her lifeless body back and forth while holding her.

I don't care if people hear me cry or scream. After awhile I pull out my cell phone and dial 911.

"Hello, 911, what's your emergency?"

"M-my sister is dead. She committed s-suicide..." I stutter out, trying not to cry. I give them the address and hang up.

After I calm down and kiss her cold forehead, I get up and walk to my moms room.

I barge into her small bedroom and knock over her table lamp. "How could you! Do you know that you're a fucking bitch?" I scream in her face.

For a second she looks shocked but she quickly covers it up. "Excuse me?" She sasses.

"Your only daughter, Olivia, is fucking dead. She killed herself because of all this shit! You were supposed to be there!" I finished and broke into sobs.

There was a knock on the door and I rushed to go get it. It's probably the people to take her away...

"Hello..." I say as I open the door. "Hello son. I'm sorry for your loss... Could you please show us to her room?" A tall man asks.

I nod and walk down the hall and too Olivia's room. Her door is broken and as you come to the door you can see her hand on the ground. I break down all over again and rush to my room, slamming the door.

Then I hear my mom yelling.


The men tell her to stay back and I can hear her struggling. "Let me in! Dont touch my baby! Olivia please baby! No!" She yells and starts crying.

I cry even harder. My little Olive is gone...

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