8. Mom's Letter

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Nicole's P.O.V. (Olivia's mom)

I woke up at seven like every morning and went to my dresser to get a cigarette.

Sitting on top of the pack was a folded paper. What's this...? I pick it up and unfold it.

Dear mom,

I'm sorry for everything. I love you, but why didn't you love me back? You didn't believe me when I told you that Jake raped me.

You never took care of me. As a mother, you should take care of your own child. All these years I've been thinking that I'm so unwanted.

You blamed me for daddy leaving us. I never told anyone this but when I was seven one of daddy's friends at a party snuck into my bathroom and he raped me... I would have told you but he threatened to kill us.

I cut. I starve. I purge. I vomit. My life is so fucked up because I didn't get the right attention from my own parents.

I still cry at night because you won't talk to me. You haven't in two years! It's not my fault that Jake raped me! Im sorry that the cops were called though. But I love you mommy.

I set the note down when Nick came storming in through my bedroom door, knocked over my lamp and started yelling.

"How could you! Do you know that you're a fucking bitch?" He screams in my face.

For a second I am shocked but I quickly covers it up. "Excuse me?" I ask.

"Your only daughter, Olivia, is fucking dead. She killed herself because of all this shit! You were supposed to be there!" Nick finished and broke into sobs.

Someone knocked on the door and Nick ran out. I quickly picked up the note from Olivia and finished reading.

I love you so much, I hope you know that. I just can't handle all this anymore. I'm sorry. I've killed myself by now, so it can't be changed.

I love you...


Realization finally hit me. My baby was dead. I wasn't there for her. I treated her so poorly. How could I?

Tears poured from my eyes as I ran through the hall to Olivia's room. "Livy!" I scream as the people stopped me from entering her room.

"Let me in! Dont touch my baby! Olivia please baby! No!" I break down to the ground in a heap of tears and guilt.

This is all my fault...

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