Sneak Peek

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Everything I thought I knew was changing.

I was wrong.

They lied to me.

We weren't in control anymore.

We were merely pawns in a game much bigger than us.

The tables are turning.

I can only hope that we'll come out of this alive.

And maybe not entirely damaged.

The only thing I can do is keep my intentions pure,

keep my facade stable,

and stay strong.

People will hate me for awhile,

but it'll all be worth it in the end.

I'll recieve the greatest gifts of my life in this horrid process,

even if I don't realize it at the time.

He's the only hope I have

and I'm the only hope he has.

If we stand strong,

nothing can knock us down.

Not his family,

not my newfound family,

not even Voldemort.

We'll make it; we have to.

All I have to do is keep breathing.

Casualty of Love: Turning TablesWhere stories live. Discover now