the blue looks good on you

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I don't think you guys are ready for this chapter but I'm gonna upload it for you people cuz its amazing

"Just hold my hand!" He screamed as we went down the death trap.

"Oh my crappie bubblegum juice my brain is going to fly out of my ears and my eyes are going to roll out of their sockets!" I yelled as hard as I could. A few seconds passed and Erick busted out laughing.

I smacked him in the head for that. "You ediot this is no laughing matter we are going to die and I still haven't meet my celebrity crush." I said my voice getting scratchy.

"Iam sorry it's just you said crappie bubblegum juice and it just made me laugh." He had that smile on his face and his eyes sparkled.

Ugh brain can you just shut up.

I smacked him again and proceeded on yelling like a maniaced lady. I could hear a kid screaming at me to shut up but did I care? No. Did I say anything back? Duh who do you think Iam.

"You ediot go suck on monkey balls my death is hear and oh..." I put my hand on my mouth.

"Oh no" Erick said "you need to puke don't you?" I nodded and he rolled his eyes and began rubbing my back.

"Its almost over just hold it in." I tried really hard but I shouldn't I ate to much candy. When we finally got off I ran but I didn't get far I puked... alot and I couldn't stop.

"Oh hell no." I heard Erick say behind me.

I looked up and saw a guy, His eyes were really dark, he had no hair and was really tall but at the same time was chubby I looked down to what he was wearing. His now stained shirt had a badge on it and he had some thing hanging on his pants strap. "Uhh... the blue looks good on you?" I said more like a question.

I looked around not sure of what to do in this moment so I thought of the first thing that popped into my brain.

"Oh my gosh look it's lady gaga." I said panicking really hard. I feel as if I just did 100 sit ups. I took a soda from a guys hand and threw it at the cops face. "Okay well bye!"I yelled then I ran, I ran as if my mom was chasing me with a sandal in her hand about to attack.

I ran so fast I think I lost 20 pounds. I grabbed Erick's hand and pulled him with me. "What the freaking hell was that." He said I looked back and saw he had a grin on his face. Only he would be laughing at a time like this.

"Just shut up." We kept on running until I saw a stage where a girl was singing with a really high pitched voice. It wasn't a pleasent noise but I pulled us behind the stage and I was trying to regain my breath.

Some few moments passed and the girl trying to sing Halo on top of the stages voice cracked  I then began to laugh.

I don't know why it was funny maybe it was because of the girl tryimg to sing of maybe it was because I was chassed by a cop but maybe it was because I think I almost died and I hate myself for emberrasing myself.

Why did I just do that?

At this moment I'm questioning my sanity.

"That was the most funniest thing I've seen this year. " He stated and we began to laugh.

I joined him and our laughs synced with eachother. I couldn't hear the girl singing anymore, for that I was glad but at this moment I just heard us, laughing and having a good time. Gosh, I love this sound, us together happy. You know?

I grabbed his hand because I was laughing way to hard I lost my breathe. He grabbed me from my waist and held me up because I was about to fall from the amount of laughter pouring out of me. I looked up into his green eyes, they looked blue because of the shirt he changed to.

And smiled he smiled back at me. My sides were hurting from laughing to much but at this moment I didn't care. The girl with the horrible voice didn't exist, it was just me and him nothing more there was no people, no birds, no music, no Laura, no nothing. Just me and him.

Next thing you know he's leaning in and our lips touched. He kissed me, he just kissed me. It wasn't a make out kiss it was just a peck but his lips still touched my lips. His lips just touched mine which means that I have his germs on my germ free lips. Which technically aren't germ free anymore since his lips just touched mine, but back to what I was saying.

He kissed me!

But he has a girlfriend!

This stupid turd just kissed me and he has a fudging girlfriend!

When he pulled away I stared at him. Eyes wide, what the heck do I say at this moment. What do I say to something that I didn't want to happen but I enjoyed it at the same time.

What do I do I don't know what to do? My stomache is swirling with regret. I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have come. Why am I here.

He was staring at me, my eyes were wide and I pulled back.

But I still didn't say anything. My hand acted on itself. It came straight down to his cheek with a big huge smack. Yep I slapped him. Way to go Josh you got your first kiss. And what do you do? Oh well you just slapped him.

Wouldn't that make the cover of the most emberassing things that has ever happened to you list.

I turned around, about to get the faddudle cakes out of here but I crashed into someone. I looked up and saw black eyes staring at me. Why is it that today is just not my day.

It was going just fine this morning. I don't get why it had to get bad. I looked at his bald head then to his wierd eyeballs.

His uniform had a blue stain on it, I was about to run but he grabbed my hand.

Erick wasn't there anymore, maybe because I slapped him. "Your not going anywhere little girl." He grabbed both my hands and took me to a car.

Well there goes the story of how Jocelyn got her first kiss and slapped the guy then puked on cop which caused her to get arrested.

Omg I've been waiting to write this for some long this is my favorite chapter of this book.

I'm dying ok ok back to what I always annoyingly say

I will update on Sunday 😊😊😊

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