yeah you better run UGLY NUT!

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I don't think you guys are ready for this chapter but here ya go

"This ho* aint loyal." yeah that's right I'am ruining his sleep what is he going to do about it.

"Shut up the music." Alex came into my room. "The neighbours are gonna get mad."

"That's the freaking point!" I screamed already feeling the energy. "

She rolled her eyes and went back to her room. I decided to call it a night and sleep. "This isn't over you frog." His head suddenly popped out from the window and guess who gave me a caring gesture of the beautiful middle finger.

He left, finally. "Yeah you better go you ugly nut!" I closed the curtains, turned off my speaker and fell asleep. I didn't know revenge caused people to get tired really quickly.

Mean while in the other side
Erick was really mad about what that annoying girl did, sleeping was his favorite activity and he didn't like it to be ruined.

When he finally heard nothing of noise he decided to continue with his evil plan.

As he opened his window to climb the tree and go through her opened window he saw the trampoline. He saw that if he jumped enough he would be able to climb up much more easier.
Lets go back to the normal side... Well the other person

As I got up I decided I wanted to take a shower, wouldn't that be lovely.

I grabbed my speaker and blasted some music. I grabbed my shampoo and started scrubbing my hair.

I usually always scrub double so I did all that jazz and when I was finished I got dressed. Unfogging the mirror I looked at my hair.

"Ahhhhhhhh" I screamed and died a little inside.

"Alex merp merp ble wee djjdjgo googog ahhhhhh."

"Whats wron.. Aahhhhhh wha wha gu gaaaa"

"Waaaa lu ahhhhh."

"Wait whats wrong what happened." My dad came inside with a spatula.

"Ma lu a cahh aaa." I said


"She sau she hair is ruined and she is gonna die."

"Oh well have fun girls." And he walked out not after I heard him mutter 'what is wrong wih my daughter'

"He'll pay!" I shouted

"Who?" Alex questioned

"The green eyed frog he did this to me." I said

"How can he get in here without you knowing."

I looked over he shoulder and saw him. "He's right there!" shouted as I saw him smiling and laughing at me.

Alex turned around and he wasn't there anymore. She rolled her eyes at me and left for some hair dye she said she had packed.


"I hate you you hate me ble blu bla bla bli bla bla blu." Why am I singing this song well... I think all of you know why.

"Would you please shut up your getting annoying." Alex said as she died my hair back to my normal color.

"Ok but can you atleast put some music it's boring just hearing nothing." I could feel her rolling her eyes, but answered with a fine and I grabbed my phone.

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