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Jayla POV

I walked to Odell. It's the night of the game and Principal Day changed her mind about not letting Odell play. I honestly think her and coach be fucking on da low.

He tried to kiss me and I back away.

Odell - Jay baby I'm sorry ight I'm really sorry. Look tomorrow lemme take you out ight.

Jayla - okay baby. I forgive you.

He licked his lips

Odell - gimme a kiss.

I kissed him.

Odell - are you going to the game

August walked past us.

Jayla - hey Aug

Aug - hey Jay

He went to his locker.

I went to class.

August walked in and sat behind me.


I went home and showered and put on the jersey with Odell's number on it.

Odell texted me.

Odell - wya

Jayla - omw babe

I went to my car and drove to the stadium.

I went in and got seated with Jasmine and Lauren because the game was about to start.

Odell ran over to where I was.

I kissed him.

Jayla - good luck baby

Odell - thank you.

I smiled and he ran on the field

That's my baby Number 13

The game ended 44 to 14. We won. I went over to Odell.

He hugged me.

Jayla - I'm so proud of you baby

He smiled.

He had to ride the bus back to school so he left.

I went by Aug's house.

I knocked on the door and he answered.

Aug - hey.

Jayla - hey I didn't see you at the game

Aug - I didn't wanna go.

Jayla - oh

August POV

I sat  down. Jayla looked at me.

Jayla - so will you come the next game?

Aug - possibly.

Jayla - ight bye

She walked out.

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