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“You’re going to do what?!”

“You can’t do that!”

“I can and I will.”

“No, Doctor. You can’t.”

“And why not, Amy?”

“Because she’s…” Amy trailed off.

“You and her; that’s why.” Rory finished.

“Me and her are the reason that I’m doing this.”

A frustrated groan came from Amy, “You can’t… You can’t make her.”

            Evanna, who had woken up as cause from the argument going on in the console room, frowned. What were they talking about? Can’t make who do what?

“Amy, it’s the only way.” The Doctor sighed. Even in a different room, Evanna could still picture his tired expression.

“Doctor, what happened when you were ill last week?” Rory asked softly. Evanna heard him but she didn’t hear the reply.

“And you’re just going to leave?! After all of this? After all of these adventures and you’re just going to leave?” Came the fiery Scottish reply.

“I think it’s best if I drop you both off in Leadworth for a while.” The Doctor solemnly replied.

“No!” Rory hissed, “We aren’t leaving!”

“My mind isn’t changing.” The Doctor muttered.

Amy, who was almost crying at this point, sniffed and asked, “Why can’t you allow yourself to be happy – just this once? You have someone who cares about you; so incredibly much… Why Raggedy Man? Why?”

Closing his eyes, he whispered, “Because I love her too.”

Evanna, who hadn’t heard the last part of the conversation, stood up after getting curious as to who they were talking about. She wandered through the console room, staying hidden until she had fully understood the topic.

“Why can’t you tell her?”

“You know why.”

“But it could be different.”

“How could it possibly be?”

“She wouldn’t leave.”

“But I would. I always would.”

Rory wrapped an arm around his wife’s shoulders, “We’ll go to Leadworth for one day on one condition.” The Doctor nodded, “You tell her why. You tell Evanna the truth.”

Instantly, panic surged through her. What ‘truth’?

“I can’t believe you’re doing this.” Amy whispered, “You’re just giving up.”

“I’m not giving up Amy!” He all but yelled, “I’m letting go.”

Amy was about to retort when Rory, with one final glance at the Doctor, pulled her from the TARDIS, “We didn’t even get to say goodbye.” Amy whispered into his neck when the TARDIS faded from view as the Doctor changed locations once again.

“You’re letting go of what?” Evanna asked, stepping from the shadows.

Spinning around with wide eyes, he stared at her like a deer caught in the headlights, “How long have you been there?”

“Long enough.” Evanna replied coolly, “What aren’t you telling me? What are you ‘letting go’?”

Somehow, she already knew the answer before the word left his lips, “You.”

A Mad Man and His Blue Box {11th Doctor Who} - Series of One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now