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A/N: I'm sorry I've taken so long to update this. I've been studying for upcoming exams (starts next Friday 26th April and finishes 15th May). I will try and update in between but I might not be able to as I'm trying my hardest to get good marks! I've wanted to write this chapter for a while, the idea's been growing in my head and after a comment telling me to update (by manlybeachreader) I've decided to actually go ahead and write it. So thank you manlybeachreader - if it hadn't been for you, I wouldn't have actually written anything! :) Hope you like this!

This is going to be a two part shot! I made it and realised it was quite long! 

Evanna rolled over as her alarm clock blared. Without hesitation, she slammed her hand on top of it – effectively making the stupid noise stop. She gave a wide yawn before falling back onto her pillows. She hadn’t slept; all night. In fact, she hadn’t actually fully slept in a week; 168 hours and she’d only slept for about 12 of those when she should have had at least 40. So obviously, she was furious. It wasn’t anyone’s fault that she couldn’t sleep – it was just her. She was exhausted but her body and brain just refused to shut down.

The Doctor knew about her obvious lack of sleep – how could he not? Her mood had soured and he was actually scared incase she tried to murder him or something. He was rather adamant about taking her to a new place each day but she shot back the same sentence that she’d told him far too many times in the past week, “Adventures with you usually require a lot of running away from things and loads of walking everything, so once we do that – it’ll tire me out and I’ll finally be able to sleep!” Though, even now – a week later – running and walking around for ages didn’t help her to fall asleep. If anything it made her worse! But still, she persevered and carried on.

Stretching, she stood up and got ready for the day. She didn’t even bother fixing her hair or putting any make up on; she didn’t have the energy. But the Doctor always told her that she looked better without any, so she left her room and closed the door. Rubbing her face, trying to wake herself up, she walked down the steps and into the control room. The Doctor heard her footsteps and whirled round, a grin firmly planted on his face. The grin fell as soon as he laid eyes on her, “Where we going today, Doc?” She asked, yawning widely.

“Evanna, are you sure-” He was cut off by her holding her hand up.

“Do I need to give you the speech again?” She asked, frowning up at him.

He quickly shook his head, “No, no. Course not… It gets a bit boring after hearing it a thousand times!” He joked, trying to make her laugh, though it didn’t work and instead ended in his getting punched (rather sorely) on the arm, “Ow! I think I might have deserved that…”

“Oh you think?” Evanna scoffed, crossing her arms, “Whatever… Just take me somewhere.”

The Doctor raised his eyebrows pulling a face as he turned, Evanna noticed his face but didn’t mention it – she was too tired to even argue with him, “Ah, I have a good place we can go.”

“Will it help me to fall asleep?” She asked hopefully as he began to make the TARDIS go towards the place that he wanted to go.

“Actually, yes it will.” He smiled over at her and for the first time in a week, Evanna smiled back at him. He felt a blush rise onto his cheeks and quickly turned around again, trying not to embarrass himself in front of her, “Here we are.” He mumbled after another few tense seconds.

Evanna smiled again, “Thank you.” She told him before exiting the TARDIS. He swallowed, a feeling which he’d never felt before in his body. It was weird; extremely weird. Straightening his bowtie he tried to get his mind off of how pretty she looked today – despite the dark bags under her eyes. I’d still pick her over any other woman on the planet; alien or not. He thought, before his eyes widened. Clearing his throat, he wiped his hands on his tweed jacket before hurriedly leaving. You don’t like her. Well of course you like her; she’s your best friend. But you don’t like like her. Okay? Okay, good.

“So where are we exactly?” Evanna asked as a lot of people scurried around her, “Why are there so many people?”

The Doctor laughed, “People?! They aren’t people Evanna! Look at them! Look at their faces! They’re all aliens’; just like me.” He grinned proudly. It was when she looked at their faces she realised that they really weren’t people at all.

“Oh!” She exclaimed in surprise, staring at a man (or what she presumed to be a man) and realising that his face was nothing humanlike. The Doctor laughed at her reaction before taking her hand, ignoring the blush that rose onto his cheeks, and swiftly walking through the large crowd of people.

“How much farther?” Evanna complained, “My feet are killing me!”

“It’s around here somewhere… I know it is.”

“Oh that’s reassuring.” She muttered with a roll of her eyes, earning a glare from the Doctor.

“Ah! Here it is!” He grinned, stopping outside a small hut.

Evanna’s eyebrows furrowed, “This is it?” She asked quietly, “What even is this?!”

The Doctor rolled his eyes, “Just go in.” He told her, pushing her forwards.

Evanna stepped in. Various coloured smokes and smells hit her, causing her to cough loudly. The Doctor was fine and smiled at her; Evanna assumed that he’d been in here before, “Where is she?” He frowned, waving his arms madly trying to find the woman who would help Evanna sleep.

“Doctor?” A voice asked, “Doctor, is that you?” After a final wave of the arms, a woman was revealed to them. Evanna gasped slightly at her appearance. Her skin was grey; her hair was powder white and was piled on her head so high that Evanna was scared that if she moved, it would topple off her head, “Doctor!” The woman grinned, her arms opening widely.

Grinning, the Doctor moved forwards, enveloping the large woman in his arms, “Mary!” The Doctor beamed at her.

“Mary?” Evanna repeated without thinking.

“Yes, dear. I know, it’s such a boring old name. Personally, I think I look more like a Suzan!” Mary laughed, letting go of the Doctor and walking over to Evanna. Evanna only nodded, trying not to upset her by telling her she looked as though she should have the name Zola or something more alien-like.

“You must be Evanna; the girl who’s having trouble sleeping. Yes?” Mary asked, placing her hands on Evanna’s shoulders.

Evanna nodded, frowning, “How did you…” She trailed off as Mary tapped her grey forehead, “You’re psychic?” She asked, eyes widening.

Mary nodded with a smirk, “Yes dear. I’m also a healer.”

“A healer?” Evanna asked, glancing at Mary and then the Doctor who was rocking backwards and forwards on his heels excitedly, holding his chin and grinning at Evanna, “Meaning you can cure my insomnia?” A slow grin spread onto Evanna’s face.

“Yes I can… But first we need to find the problem; the thing that’s causing your insomnia.” Mary smiled, taking her hand, “Come with me. Doctor, don’t touch anything.” She laughed as the Doctor’s face fell and instead of touching things, he chose to sit on the floor as Mary led Evanna into a back room.

“I’m guessing this is just like the TARDIS?” Evanna yawned, “Like a perception filter to make it look much smaller than it really is?”

“The Doctor taught you well, dear. Tell me,” Mary smiled, pulling a chair out for Evanna and helping her sit down before sitting herself down, “how long have you been travelling with the Doctor?”

“Around a year?” Evanna shrugged, “Maybe a year and a half.” A slight smile crept onto her pink lips.

Mary smiled at the young woman, “Has this ever happened before? The insomnia I mean?”

Evanna shook her head, “Nope. It’s just been this past week. I’ve never had trouble sleeping before.”

Mary nodded, “Alright… To fully understand what the problem is, I need to go into your mind… Is that alright?” Evanna nodded, “Alright, dear. Just lean back and close your eyes. I’ll only be a minute or two.” Finding a strange comfort in the woman’s words, Evanna closed her eyes and lay back into the chair.

A Mad Man and His Blue Box {11th Doctor Who} - Series of One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now