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A/N: I am so sorry. It's been over two months (maybe three?). I had a serious case of writer's block for both this and my Doctor Who story. I'm sorry for neglecting them both and I do hope that you enjoy this. It's really quite long and I'm pretty proud of it. Wow, again; I am really sorry about not updating. I've wrote a few chapters but I just don't feel like they're special or good enough to be put up. I've been so stuck - not for ideas but for how to write my ideas down. Anyway, I hope this makes up for the very long absence. I will try and update as often as I can (might be a bit hard sincemy sister just had a baby last night - little girl called Violet - she's adorable!) But yeah, enjoy and rate/message me any ideas! Love you all <3

Swinging slightly on the swing which was made for children, Evanna frowned at the large park. Something was wrong; something just wasn't right. She could feel it in her gut; something dangerous was looming in the park that she, Amy, Rory and the Doctor were in. But as quickly as the feeling came, it passed when Amy and Rory walked back towards her with three bags of chips in hand.

"Here," Amy smiled at her best friend, handing her a bag.

"Thanks," Evanna smiled at the two of them as they both sat down on swings as well.

Amy, who always seemed to sense a worried or anxious feeling, looked at Evanna curiously, "Is something wrong?" She asked, popping a chip in her mouth.

Evanna shook her head, mouth full, "No, I'm fine... Just wondering where the Doctor is."

Rory chuckled, "No idea." He said, "But he always runs off like this."

A while later, when the three had finished their chips; they decided to look for the Doctor, "He could be anywhere." Amy complained, "Can't we phone him?"

"He won't answer his phone." Evanna replied, looking around - trying to see a strange man with a bowtie.

"We should split up." Rory concurred.

Evanna nodded, "Alright; I'll go look through the nature paths - he likes going through them." She smirked.

Amy giggled, "We'll go around the park; check the shops too. Do you have your phone?"

Evanna nodded, "Yeah; call me if you find him and I'll do the same."

With that, the three parted ways. Evanna walked along the grass, ending up at one of the forest's entrances to the nature paths. It was as she took her first step inside; a chill crept up her spine. It felt as though someone was watching her; though the only people around were children who were too focused on the park and parents who were too focused on the children. Shaking her head, she put it down to being paranoid and continued on.

Around ten minutes later, she found herself in the middle of a nature path, "Doctor?" She called out, cupping her hands around her mouth, "Doctor, are you here?" Her ears were met with silence so with a sigh, she turned around and began to walk back the way she came.

Looking around, she noticed something in the trees which veered off the path, "A look can't hurt..." She mumbled to herself before stepping over various bushes, roots and snapped branches.

As she got closer, she noticed that it was made of stone, "Is that a statue?" She asked aloud, pushing leaves out of the way to allow her to step even closer. She stopped a few metres short of it and frowned at it. It was an angel statue made of grey stone. Though, Evanna couldn't see its face - its hands were covering it; almost like it was crying. The feeling that something was wrong was stronger than ever. Making a move to step closer, her phone began to ring - making her jump.

She pulled her phone out of her pocket, "You gave me such a fright there, Amy!" She laughed.

Amy chuckled from the other end, "Sorry! We found the Doctor; he was at the ice cream van - eating four ice lollies." She could hear the Doctor talking in the background about something.

A Mad Man and His Blue Box {11th Doctor Who} - Series of One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now