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“Listen to me, Evanna,” He hissed, holding her cheeks between his shaking palms, “This is real. You are real. I am real.”

Evanna’s eyes watered as she retracted from his grip, “Then how come whenever I prayed for you to come, you never showed – not even once?” She whispered, “How do I know that I’m not dreaming? How do I know that you are actually here? How do I know that I’m not crazy?”

He grabbed her shoulders, holding her at arms-length, and stared into her green eyes, “I’m sorry.” He whispered, “I’m sorry for not rescuing you from your life.” She closed her eyes, tilting her head back, “But I am here now, Evanna… That’s got to mean something!”

“I made you up!” She yelled suddenly, “For years I believed in you, ever since that night, you told me you’d be back in five minutes! People said I made you up. They said it was because I was young. They called me freak, crazy. I had no friends. People avoided me. They hated me… And then, after twelve years – I stopped believing in you… You ruined my life.” She told him quietly, staring into his eyes before shaking her head and turning to leave.

“Evanna please!” He begged, yanking her wrist and pulling her into him, “I can’t lose you. I can’t lose another one.”

“Another one?” She asked then it clicked, “Maybe you lose them all because you ruin their lives too.” She told him before running away.

His mouth fell open and his eyes watered. She was right. He ruined his former companion’s lives. He ruined everything. Slowly, he walked towards his TARDIS and stepped inside before sinking to the ground, silent tears falling from his eyes.

Evanna wiped her eyes. She wasn’t crazy. She wasn’t… right? He wasn’t real. He wasn’t… right? She didn’t know anymore. She stopped running and looked around. She didn’t know where she was. But that didn’t matter. She let out a choked scream and fell to the ground; curling up in sobs on the cold, snowy ground.

It wasn’t until a while later she noticed a shadow entering the top of the street and slowly making its way down towards her. She looked up, wiping her eyes to help her see. “He was right. He is real.” She whispered. Quickly, she scrambled to her feet. Feelings of dread and terror crashed over her like a tsunami upon seeing the dark finger like shadows, “Run.” She whispered to herself before taking off.

It seemed to stretch quicker, enveloping everything in its way. She reached the end of the street and dared to look down. It was about half way down the street – but it was covering everything in darkness and soon it would take up the whole street. She couldn’t see anything that was covered by it.

“Doctor?!” She yelled out, hoping that this once he’d hear her, “Doctor please!” She screamed to the sky as she kept running, “I believe in you!”

Sweat dripped down her forehead as she ran and ran, down and up streets – trying to get away from the never ending stretch of darkness that was going to kill her, “Doctor!” She screamed, “DOCTOR I NEED YOUR HELP!” She stopped and collected as much air as she screamed it before running again. She rounded one last corner and knocked into someone – knocking them both to the ground, “Doctor!” She beamed, clambering up and hugged him tightly, “I’m so sorry!”

“I heard you scream; what’s wrong?” He asked panicked.

“The darkness – it’s spreading.” She told him.

He closed his eyes, having come across this once before. He nodded, “Alright, Evanna, ready to save this town?” Evanna grinned at him, making a smile spread across his face.


“Oh my god.” Evanna breathed as she and the Doctor ran into the TARDIS, “It worked.” She whispered as she stared up at the Doctor in awe.

He chuckled, “Did you really expect anything different?” He smirked at her.

She rolled her eyes and fought a smile. A comfortable silence fell between the two before she spoke again, “I’m sorry for doubting you and saying those horrible things to you… I’m really sorry.”

The Doctor shook his head, “You have nothing to apologise for.” He smiled, glancing at her quickly, “You were right.”

“No,” She interrupted, “I wasn’t. You are real and you don’t ruin people’s lives Doctor… Actually you make them better. You save people.”

“I didn’t save you when you wanted me to; twelve years ago.” He sighed.

“Yeah, but you came today. You saved me today.” Evanna smiled, “That means something.”

He smiled but it slowly faded and he looked deep in thought, “Doctor?” She asked, “Are you alright?” She stepped towards him. He turned to her with a small smile.

“I never do this.” He told her, taking a step in her direction – hunting around his pockets.

“You never do what?” She asked.

He pulled a silver key from his pocket. Her eyes widened as she glanced quickly between him and the key, “This.” He whispered, grinning at the mixture of surprise and excitement on her face, “I was told that I should never be alone; it’s not good when I’m alone… I was wondering if you’d like to travel with me. I know I’ve hurt you before and made you have a horrible childhood but, please, if you come with me – I’ll spend forever trying to make it up to you.”

A smile curled onto her face.

“You’re different from all the others.” He told her truthfully, “You’re so different… So what do you say, Evanna Lockhart? Would you like to travel the universe with me?” He placed the key in her hand and curled her fingers around it as he watched her nervously.

“Yes!” She beamed at him, “It would be… amazing.” He grinned back at her and flung his arms around her, picking her up and spinning her around quickly. She let out a squeal of delight. Slowly, he placed her down.

“Thank you.” She whispered.

“Thank you.” He laughed softly.

They stared at each other for a few moments before he pulled away and jumped up to the control panel, “So, Evanna Lockhart, where would you like to go first?” He beamed.

A Mad Man and His Blue Box {11th Doctor Who} - Series of One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now