Chapter 4- Exotic Land

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"Finally" she moans on my neck, making me the most agitated cactus-like ever existed. "It won't take long. I promise. Call your Mom?" Good idea, my thought of agreeing on what she moaned on my selfish ears.

"What? No! You know I want to stay, especially now." My lips are still touching hers while talking, feeling those moaning coming out from our selfish mouths, throbbing the most sexiest sound I have never heard in my life. I wrap my hands on her flawless neck, linking my body to hers, flowing the same motion her body does to mine. Faces side to side from slow to rapid kisses, movements, moanings and pants. I look at her. She winces on my action and looks on my innocent eyes. What am I doing? Why am I like this around her? I am hypnotized by her. I reach for my phone from my pocket and call my mom, she pulls away.

My Mom answers on the first ring. "Hello Reg, are you arriving?" She asks, imagining her with a smile when she asked. She is probably helping Mellie cooking.

"Hey Mom, I am at Lei's. I forgot to tell you since I left ea.." I pause when Aey's eyes meets mine, lighten up approaching me with a grin, I hold my index finger up as a sign of "Please give me a second" warning. Being the old one in the relationship, she is the stubborn one. She passes on my warning sign and frantically bites my lower lip and suck it wrapping her arms on my neck and the other hand is on my left buttock leaning me to her bedroom door.

"Lei... that is.... perfect!" I moaned loud, trying not to sound arouse while having a conversation with my Mom. Aey butts in and starts kissing me in the middle of my neck and shoulder. On the back of my ears licking, biting and moaning on it.

"What was that?" My Mom excitedly asks.

"Oh ah... Ahm... Wait a sec." I pull away from Aey. Leaving her chuckling around mocking me. "Ok here I am, ah.." I breath in, out, in and out again. Panting.

"Are you alright? What is happening there?" Her curiosity strikes. Imagining her brows almost connects when she asked.

"Yes! So I am with Lei and the group, we are finishing our group project... Do not worry alright? I'll be home for dinner? Ok?" Trying to sound assuring.

"Ok. But are you sure everything is fine? You sound nervous... No?" She is still pushing it.

"No Mom, I will finish my business here and I'll be home for dinner ok? Have to go now Mom... Bye." Responding quickly.

"Alright be safe! Bye!." She hangs up.

Finally! Let's finish Les Busin...

"Good one! You lied? Really?" Aey stares at me while opening a candy. Mint. The taste of her mouth.

"Really? Who taught me that? Oh I have no idea". Mocking her in attempt to sound like her. mature and dirty.

She puts her hands in the air acting like she is giving up. Scooting up on her bed laying her back on her soft mattress. Like it is new and no creaking sound can be heard. "I don't have any idea what do you mean..." Sounds innocent but deceiving. Ironic. Only her can make that look on her face. She pops her mint candy onto her mouth and calls me with her index finger in front of her face. Her "Come to Mama" look makes my legs motionless to shock. I crawled on her bed and lay beside her.

"Let us see if you can get this candy from my mouth without using your hands yea?" She whispers.

"You mean... With my foot?" Mocking her. Of course I know exactly what she means. I just don't want to show my excitement.

"Try it out with your tongue... instead?" She giggles. "Would that be fine?" She follows. She pulls me up to be on the top of her and I nod.

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