Chapter 3-Payback

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This girl, in front of me abruptly waves her hands in the air. Both hands hold up high, palms facing me. Wait! Did I just day dreamed out loud? Again?

"Alright alright! I give up, no details please! Let's not go that deep ok?" She is dorky and  pretty full of positivity.

"Why? What is wrong with getting deeper Ruby?" I mock.

"Ruby?" She asks with confusion. "Well ah, you are pretty confident of talking about your "sex" life." She whispers softly, not letting anyone to hear the word "sex" and continues "And.. And.. It is your Ex you know? So it is really awkward to talk about that on public... With me? Especially we do not know each other. Clearly. Obviously..." She pauses.

She holds up her index finger in front of me warning me not to speak, "To make it short, I don't know you, vice versa, we started talking  when I borrowed your pen remember? Just grow up would you?" She exclaims. Her eye brows connecting.

I flinch when she says "just grow up would you?" Or I think she is suggesting. I am so weird! Fucking weird! "Well you're... You're right. I am sorry for being fucking weird. Don't mind me yea?" I feel bad. My voice cracks in the end. I focus on my laptop and look at the time, it is nearly 3:00pm David should be arriving soon.
I try not to look but Ruby is sitting next to me, She is stowing everything on her bag, clearing her table and stands on her feet I feel like she is smiling or something. We have been talking for a while now, maybe it is just me who talk and having a heart to heart to with her. Is her name really Ruby?.

"Stalking me out now little dorky?" Dorky? That is you, I said that to you. She is standing next to me but I try not to give her any attention.

"What?" Raising a brow on her and a confuse look. While flipping my pen in the middle of my thumb and index finger creating thud sounds when hitting the notebook I am using to take some notes.

"Please, I saw you glancing on me, those eyes on the edge, you almost looks like an owl." Leaning to me, while drawing circles with her index finger in front of my face. "Look I didn't mean to be an arse. I just find it awkward alright?". She explains.

"No worries, I am sorry, oh and I wasn't stalking you!" I almost shout by surprise, making my point.

Some thing winces on my feet and I look over towards me seeing David sitting down across me. Looking at Ruby and I trying to understand what is going on.

"Alright!, relax the fuck out okay?" Waving her hands telling me to calm down. "You sought solace on me, your'e comfortable enough to tell me everything." She looks at me with a smug face, arms around her chest and her bag pack just hangs on her left shoulder. "Bye, see you soon." She smiles while waving her hand to me.

Instead of responding I give her a glare and raise my middle finger to her. Earing few giggles from her all the way out of the cafe. Noticing that everyone is looking at me, I turn my focus to my laptop again.

"Problem? Is everything ok? Who was that?" I jump upon hearing his voice. I forgot that David arrived already. He asks me with worry on his face.

"Hey, one question at a time yea? Yes everything is alright. I am sorry. It is no one to worry about." I huffed.

Solace? Her? Ha! Yeah right! Wait Reg, David's here and you need to focus on your thesis remember? Oh my subconcious. I miss you!

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