24# Your First Fight

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(Well, by the time I calculated this, this one won, so first fight it is!)

(Also these are all ridiculous af and are more like little domestics or lover's spats, they aren't even fights really)(Pardon me if they suck)
Eugene: "Which tie goes best with the suit? Red or blue?" Eugene asked from the bathroom.

"I dunno, they both work, just pick one. We've gotta go, like two minutes ago, Eugene," You said, yet again looking at the clock.

"I know! But I want to make a good impression!" Eugene explained. You were going out to dinner with your parents, and he was meeting them for the first time.

"They're not gonna care what tie you wear! My dad can barely leave the house without wearing a baseball cap, he doesn't know the first thing about good fashion. Just wearing a tie will impress him," you explained, grabbing your keys and waiting by the door.

"I'm almost done!" Eugene explained. "Just wait two more minutes!"

"And be even later? No, come on! Just bring both ties!" You huffed.

"I still have to style my hair!" He complained from the bathroom.

"You know what will impress my parents? Being punctual!" You grumbled. "I'm waiting in the car," you said, slamming the door behind you.

But when Eugene finally got done, you made up time driving and were right on time.

Keith: "Do you want to go to In-N-Out or McDonald's?" He asked, as you drove sleepily, nearing the last leg of your road trip before you'd settle in to a hotel for the night.

"Don't care, you pick," you said, yawning and running a hand through your messy hair.

Keith adjusted his glasses. "I don't care either, you pick," he said, merging lanes. "Do it fast, or I'm gonna have to turn around."

"Uh.. Uh..," you faltered, not sure which to choose. They were both fast food places for goodness sakes, why couldn't Keith just pick one?

"Just pick something!" He exclaimed, laughing, but out of frustration as he honked at someone else in front of him to go already.

"YOU DO IT," you exclaimed, "Just drive to one of them, I don't know! I'm just tired, okay?"

Keith ended up driving to McDonald's, and once you guys had eaten, you had a much less 'hangry' mindset and you actually ended up having a good night.

Ned: You and Ned were spending the night together, curled up, watching a movie on the couch. It was really nice, until you both started falling asleep and neither of you wanted to get up to turn off the kitchen light.

"Nedddd," you groaned, shutting your eyes. "Can you do it? I just got comfortable."

"You do it, I'm almost asleep," he mumbled.

"No, I'm not getting up, you do it," you said, opening one eye to look at him.

"I'm not getting up either," he shrugged, being passive-aggressive about it.

"Fine. Rack up your electricity bill, it's not my house," you sassed, closing your eyes and getting comfy again.

"Really? Rude," he complained. "Why can't you just do me a quick favor and turn the light off?"

"Because I'm tired. If you want something done, do it yourself," You mumbled back, practically asleep already. Neither of you ended up getting up, and instead gave each other the silent treatment until the next day at breakfast, resolving the issue after laughing about the stupidity of it.

Zach: "Excuse me? Gotham is not just a 'Netflix-original Batman fanfiction'," Zach retorted. "Besides, it's not even a Netflix original!"

The two of you were deciding what to watch on Netflix and were having some.. disagreements, so to speak.

"That's like if I called Sherlock a bad, modern and probably gay - let's be real, Johnlock is a thing - version of a great original series," Zach added. You boiled up in rage.

"You take that back! Except the Johnlock part, but you take that back!" You said, snatching the remote.

"Not until you apologize for calling Gotham a Batman fanfiction," Zach added, sassily crossing his arms and refusing to look you in the eyes.


"Then fine, I guess we're not watching Gotham or Sherlock," Zach shrugged.

"Fine by me," you shrugged. "Wanna watch Stranger Things?"

"Hell yes I do."

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