23# You Prank Him

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Eugene: Eugene loves his phone. He's constantly Snapchatting and Instagramming and Tweeting and.. Wow, he uses his phone a lot.

This is why you decided to pretend like you had cracked his phone. The plan wasn't elaborate, you just needed time.. And the passcode to his phone. One day, you side-eye glanced as he unlocked it, quickly writing down the numbers on a sticky note which you slipped into your pocket.

"I'll be back in an hour.. I've got a meeting," Eugene said a little later, putting his phone by his computer and walking away with a wave. You waited a moment before it was GO-TIME. You unlocked his phone and immediately went to the app store, finding the 'Broken Screen' apps, where it made the entire screen look shattered if the app was open.

You downloaded it, plugged in the phone so the app would stay open, and waited. An hour later, Eugene walked around the corner towards his desk and you quickly unplugged his phone, hiding it behind you as you spun in your chair to meet him.

"Hey, Eugene..," You started, pretending to be nervous.

"Hey, Y/N," Eugene said in the same tone, although he was confused. "What's that look for?"

You held out his phone and he nearly had a heart attack. "WHAT?" He exclaimed, before grabbing it and realizing it was.. A prank. He laughed, feeling like an idiot before asking how you got his phone password.

Keith: Poor, poor Keith. You actually hadn't meant for this to happen. Innocently, the two of you were getting your food from the breakroom and he asked for some salt for whatever he was eating, and you handed him the packet you were holding, as you had just opened one of those plastic utensil packs that come with salt and pepper as well.

Well. It was sugar. Honest mistake. And a big mistake for Keith's fries.

Ten minutes later he stormed over to your desk where you were eating a salad and had you eat a french fry. Your face twisted in confusion. "Y/N WHAT DID YOU DO? You ruined my fries!" He said.

You looked down at the packet in your hand which you were about to pour into your drink.



Ned: For Ned, all you wanted was a classic prank. So.. You put an airhorn under his chair. The other guys helped with this one. While you and Keith attached the airhorn to the underside of his chair, Eugene and Zach distracted him and made snapchats until you walked over and poked Zach, which was the signal.

Zach and Keith pulled out their phones to snapchat it.

"Hey, um, Ned, I sent you those emails, I just wanna make sure they went through real quick because I've been having this problem today where they aren't," You lied. Ned smiled.

"Sure, lemme go check real fast," He said, strolling over to his desk. You smirked at Eugene as you followed Ned, and then you smirked behind you at Zach and Keith.

"Lemme just have a seat real qui- AH!" Ned said, sitting down in his chair before getting a rude, loud awakening, as did much of the floor. Many people took off their headphones or jumped in surprise around you.

"Y:N! Oh my goddd!" Ned said, laughing embarrassed at how loud he'd screamed. Got him.

Zach: It was simple, really. You just hid his glasses. He had a steaming cup of coffee, and his glasses fogged up, so he took them off to wipe them down.

In the process of him taking them off, you slipped them into his desk drawer, carefully in the very very back.

"Y/N, where did you put my glasses?" He asked, crossing his arms with a smile.

"Your.. You just had them dude, what did you do with them?" You asked, faking innocence. Zach fell for it.

"Aw, man, I must have dropped them.. Fuuuuuuuuck..," He groaned, getting on his hands and knees and searching under his desk. After not finding them, obviously, he went to stand back up, and promptly hit his head on the underside of his desk. "OW!" He winced.

You couldn't help but giggle. Zach looked over at you, a glare of death on his face. "Seriously, where are they?"

You couldn't stop laughing as you reached in his desk drawer and pulled them out. He gave you the cold shoulder for an hour before he couldn't hold the grudge anymore.

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