What He Likes About You

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Eugene: You aren't afraid to take charge when the time comes and often end up acting like the ringleader of an operation. You're strong and can manage yourself which Eugene thinks is great for your self confidence.

Keith: Keith knows you can be yourself and loves when you belt into song or start doing improv on camera because it's who you are and it makes him laugh and smile.

Ned: Ned likes that you'll play sports with him one day and then help him edit the next. You're super nice about his busy life and are super helpful when he needs you. He knows you're supportive and you can depend on each other and Ned knows that's the backbone to a great relationship.

Zach: He likes how quirky you are too! He loves common interests, because if you aren't showing him the good fan art, then who is? He also likes that you don't like people for their looks and instead for their personalities, which is pretty important to a guy like Zach.

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