Epilogue (One Shot Winner)

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5 Years Later

Prim's POV

I scan my eyes across the meadow, taking in the fresh air and scenery, I then make my way to my destination, the destination which reminds me the most of Katniss. I still can't believe that my big sister is really gone, I think about her everyday and I feel like a piece of my heart is gone with her. I still feel guilty like it should have been me but then I remember that Katniss would want me to live my life, not mope around. As I'm lost in my thoughts I don't realise that I have made it to the lake, the place where Katniss taught me to swim, the place my father took us as children, I have been coming to the lake for five years and it's never changed, not like me who has changed in more ways than one. I sit myself down on the edge of the lake and dip my feet in the water, the cold water lapping in between my toes, I close my eyes listening to the sweet calls of the Mockingjays I start to remember my time in the arena when Rue and I used Mockingjays to communicate, even though it was long ago I still remember it vividly, I am still haunted by the memories, they are like scars you cant see them but they are there, reminding me of what I have done and what I can't forget, they are the scars you can't see and they are the hardest to heal. I open my eyes to see the sun shining brightly, I touch my cheek gently to find tears, thinking about Katniss and the arena must have triggered them, feeling sad and alone I whisper to the air,

"Why did you leave me Katniss? Why?".

As I sit and let my thoughts wander I hear soft footsteps, I turn around to see my boyfriend the one and only, Rory Hawthorne. He sees me and smiles, he comes and sits beside me and as he does I lay my head on his shoulder and lace my hand through his. Rory rarely has his flashbacks, but if he did he knows how to control them, I look at Rory and he looks exactly like Gale only younger. Gale lives in District Twelve with us, we learnt sign language so we can communicate with him and he's a lot happier now we can have a conversation with him. "Haymitch saw you leave, he told me, I was worried," Rory says concern filling his voice.

"Sorry," I say feeling a tiny bit guilty, "I was just feeling really alone, I wanted to come somewhere which meant something to Katniss and I."

"I know Prim, I miss her too," I smile up at him then put my head back on his shoulder.

"So um, I was talking to Noah over the phone he asked how you where," I grow stiff not wanting to talk about Noah. Knowing I wont talk Rory continues,

"I said that you where okay, but are you okay?" I look up and say

"What do you mean? Of course I'm okay." Rory sighs and says,

"Prim sometimes you seem distant like the real Primrose is there, like she's dead." I know what he is saying is true, I sometimes feel dead, I say, "Sometimes I feel guilt clawing at my insides and each time I try to forget I remember more, The rebellion, The deaths, Rory I just wanna forget!" A fresh set of tears are now streaming down my face, he pulls me closer, kisses my cheek and says,

"Prim, I know, I feel it everyday too, but what matters is it makes us stronger, we're stronger because we had to be, we are wiser because of our mistakes and each day we get stronger." And what he is saying is true, I'm wiser from my actions, stronger from my mistakes and I should make everyday count because I know more than anyone how fast a life can be taken and what matters is we live every day to the fullest because we don't know what tomorrow could bring.

For the rest of the day we stay at the lake, we swim, Rory hunts, and as the sun sets we lie under the sky and I grasp my boyfriends hand and think,

We were and still are broken, but we mend each other and always will.

By ReadingisLiving8

Go check out her story The Dancer & The Skater for more of her writing!

Mila and Parker are two very different people. But when Mila starts to babysit Parker's little sister Emily, she finds herself getting closer and closer to Parker. But they're two different people with very different dreams. is it possible for Parker and Mila to stay together when they want different things, or could their relationship come crashing down?

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