Chapter 12: An Epic Twist for an Epic Girl (Rory)

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I saw everything. Prim talking with Finnick during the night, sitting far too close to him for my liking. Prim talking wistfully about that boy, Noah. Telling Beetee she misses him, or something along those lines. It hurts my heart but I want her to be happy. The guy's dead anyways...I chide myself. I was wrong.

A little after Prim left, Beetee spotted me. I had the dignity to act embarrassed that I was caught watching but he just chuckled light heartedly. Somehow, he freakishly knew everything that is going on. And somehow I became involved in his master plan.

It all started during the 74th Hunger Games. The moment that started it all. Noah was taught by the best, Beetee himself. They freakishly figured out how to trick the system. I still don't understand it but it's something about the tracker, veins, and blood loss setting off the cannon. Marvel speared Noah, he lost blood, his cannon sounded, and everyone thought he died. His body went up in the hovercraft, and was shipped back to District 3. He was wounded badly but made it back to Beetee alive. A few days later he was captured and taken to the Capitol. If Beetee's sources are up to date, he's being held captive in an underground dungeon in the training center, hidden from all others, since he's supposed to be dead. The Capitol wouldn't want people to know about the mistake they made.

I didn't believe him at first. But thinking that there was a chance to make Prim extra happy again, I took the chance. I volunteered. I was on my way to save my brother, and to save my girlfriend's crush. What an awkward situation. What an epic twist, for an epic girl.

"I need my rescue team here, we will be leaving in five minutes," Boggs announces. I take in deep breaths. It somehow makes me nervous even after everything I've been through. I told my mom I was going. I half expected her to make a big deal out of it and tell me I can't go. She let me go though. She knows it's important. It's Gale we're talking about here.

Soon our hovercraft lifts off and I get a better look at the others aboard the craft. I don't know any of them, except for Boggs. I try to make friends with a boy on my right but he doesn't talk much. He's from Thirteen, what can you say. After a while I just give up and watch the pilot steer and give Boggs updates here and there. We travel in the dark of the night. But after a few hours we enter the Capitol. It's full of lights. The training center comes into view soon and we get ready to land.

We land on the roof. Boggs distributes gas masks and we all put them on. I get real scared because mine's slightly too big for me but I remind myself I'm here on a double mission, if such term exists. We land after Boggs finishes counting down. The timer is supposed to signal us that the rebel insiders have released the knockout gas through the ventilation system.

"Go," he tells us, and we do. Shuffling across the building, my heart pounds in my chest. This is it. It's time to see Gale. It's time to see Noah.

We go down a dark staircase, flashlights in hand. Somewhere in the midst of that, Boggs turns on a screen for us to see the national broadcast. Beetee is doing a fantastic job. There are intimate interviews with Prim, Katniss and Finnick, which should keep Snow distracted for a while. I think it was smart of the team. A story takes more time than an outburst. Also, Beetee's getting good. He stays on for almost 90% of the time. Hopefully he can hang on until we're all done.

Boggs gives us some more instructions but by then I'm only half listening. This is when I'm supposed to sneak away from the group and follow my new set of orders from Beetee. I follow the group for a while then when everyone starts to run, I get away.

"Break away from the group once you reach the basement. Find the main hall, it should be easy to identify because it's a lot larger than the rest. From there, move towards the lift. Take a right in front of it, then two lefts, and go straight down the hall to another staircase. Below it should be a room, and there you'll find Noah. Good luck."

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