Part 4: Countdown, Hour 1

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Holland and I stood at the bus stop in silence, we had left the resort, paid a small fee for our skis to be stored at the ski lodge at the foot of the mountain, and now we have nothing to do but wait for a bus to come and take us to the fabled trail.

We had both dressed for the occasion; I have my red Camelback with my survival supplies inside on my back, my purple and white Brooks running shoes are on my feet, I wore a long-sleeved gray band shirt, a pair of black sweatpants, and my black Northface jacket.

Holland wore insulated jeans, a pair of hiking boot tennis shoes, a blue Levi's shirt, and a heavy brown coat. On his back is a medium sized Swiss backpack with all of his Boy Scout camping supplies. You never know what you need.

Older women and a few teenaged girls are waiting for the bus as well, this route takes you through the main shopping area around here, and most of those present can't, or won't ski.

I had Holland pull my hair back in pigtails before we left our cabin, now normally I wouldn't wear my hair like this, but I need it out of the way if we go hiking. I placed a small black ski hat on my head before we left, so I am able to keep my head warm. It feels odd, having something on my head like this. Normally, I'd just let my hair stay in a loose ponytail or nothing at all, and have no hat to cover myself, but now things are different. It gets colder in the part of the mountain we're going to, so I need to be adequately prepared.

"I wonder if it really is real? Jonathen tells me all of these things about the spirit world, and yet he seems to make some of it up. It's either that, or his affection for me is ruining my judgments. I hate it how he tries to hug me..."

"Are you okay?" Holland leaned his head down a few inches, a look of genuine curiosity about my feelings in his body language.

"Just thinking about someone," I answered, putting my thumbnail in my mouth.


"I'm sorry."

"Don't look at me Holland, on second thought, worry about me. I want you to hug me, but I don't understand why I'm doing this in the first place. Am I so clingy that I make myself sad to get attention, or am I just mentally unstable?"

"It's okay Luce."

I smiled and punched him in the shoulder with semi-hardness.

"Thanks Holland."

"It's no problem," he leaned forward and looked to his left down the street, "and I think that our ride is here."

A blue charter-like bus came to a screeching halt next to the bus stop, sloshing some of the melted snow onto the sidewalk, but everyone here follows the rules and stays behind the line, so it is no big deal. The older women with their children were allowed to go onboard first, and then for some crazy reason, the teenaged girls got on next, most of them taking up spots in the middle of the bus. Finally, Holland and I, along with a few other stragglers were allowed to get on the bus. The buses seat about twenty people, and then there is room for everyone else to stand up., so because Holland and I were in the last few, we had to stand up, near the front of the bus.

It lurched to a start, and we began heading down the icy road. The girls stood together with their iphones giggling and showing each other what I am assuming are Vines. A group of three are together, and then a group of two, each clique joking about the same things, wearing similar outfits, and looking the same judgmental way at the opposing groups, as well as the others on the bus, including me.

One girl gave me a look like I am some sort of insect, she rolled eyes and looked disgusted at my outfit of choice. Her messy brown hair was not parted, styled scene style, and she wore a jacket that said 'Talk Nerdy to Me." If someone actually tried though, she would judge that person cruelly.

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