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My dad offered to stay and clean up a little, but I was pleading with my eyes for him to say no.

"We got it Mrs. Jonas, Demi and I have no problem cleaning," he started.

I silently groaned and walked away from them. Having a seat at one of the tables I glared at box boy, or 'Nick' as he call himself. He was cleaning a table and folded his sleeves up to his shoulder. I glared harder as his muscles on his arms flexed. I just wanted to pull his chocolate curls and scratch out his golden brown orbs.

"Nick, how about you stay with Mr. Lovato and Demi, help them tidy up?" Mrs. Jonas asked.

Nick glanced up at Mrs. Jonas and my dad, then to me. I glared harder at him and shook my head from side to side.

"Sure mom," he said, a sly grin on his heart shaped lips.

I groaned and fold my arms across my chest. Mrs. Jonas grabbed her winter jacket and left, my dad glanced at me and gestured for me to 'chop chop, get to work'. Rolling my eyes I got up and walked over to the food table. Throwing empty cans in the trash.

"Demi, Nick, I'll be right back. We need more trash bags" My dad said while swinging his keys in his hands. "dad--I'll be back in ten minutes Demi" he talked over me.

Before I could say anything else he walked out of the door. I grumbled tiring words before picking up a Lysol cloth. Wiping down a table far away from Nick as possible.

"Why did you come if you're too good to help the needy?"Nick asked, interrupting the silence.

I stopped and cocked my head to the side. Nick eyes were set on mine as he walked closer to me his cloth in his hand.

"Can you just stop talking to me? You're disgusting," I scuffed and I'm pretty sure I pissed him off.

"And you're the grinch" he mumbled and narrowed his eyes on me.

I smirked and fold my arms across my chest.

"What, that's all you've got to say?" I ask, obviously winning the conversation.

Nick studied me for a minute. "Yea, it is" he said.

I roll my eyes as Nick walked past me to the other table. Glaring at the back of his head I grew angry. Even if I am a bitch everyone is supposed to love me, but him. Nick, is doing it wrong. I hate his guts.

"What? Are you going to kill me with your eyes or help me clean, Grinch?" he snarled while glaring back at me.

Holding my head high I turned on my heels and walked to a clean sit.

"Nope, that's for my maids. I'm just going to chill here until my father gets back."

I fold my arms over my chest and smiled. Nick stared at me long and hard and I shrug my shoulder, pretending to be occupied with my nails. I heard Nick mumble a few non-repeatable words to me. I laughed quietly to myself. After a while of really checking out my nails, I realized I do need a manicure. Getting bored with myself I glanced back at Nick while he wasn't watching me. He was sweeping the floor and I noticed he wore dog-tags around a sliver chain. Like what people get from being in the army or the navy kind of.

Who is this kid?

He doesn't go to my school because I've never seen him or even heard of his family, so he can't be that wealthily known. His clothes weren't really up to date like most kids in my neighborhood. I chewed my lip as I wondered more about him. I began to resent him and also wanted to know him. I groaned because no one has ever made my feelings so confused as he have done now.

"There you go with the staring again," he said closer to me now.

I slightly shook my head and frowned at him, "Ew, as if. Don't flatter yourself," I said and looked away before he could see the sudden warmth on my cheeks. He chuckled.

"Yea...sure." Nick responds.

My dad then came in the door with a box of black trash-bags.

"Lets hurry kids," he said unaware of the hatred vibe in the room. I bounced to my feet and grabbed a bag of trash bags from him.

"Yes daddy." I said.

"Demi, since you've helped a lot it'll just be us two. Taking out the trash is a mans job anyway, right Nick?" Nick looked over at us and I stood with a smog look of pleasure on my face.

"Yes sir." Nick replied, cutting his eyes at me when my dad turned his back.

I waved and smirked, quickly sticking my tongue out childishly at him. Pay back Nick.


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