|30| Ballad of Death

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|Third Person POV|

Only one of them... would leave the tower. She was using him for her own gain. Hisoka leaned into the full blast of the hot water, and groaned.

How could he have given Zel the upper hand? That moment last night. It was driving him mad with anger, humiliation, and mostly - fear. Fear that towards this woman called Zel, he felt something other than an urge to kill.

Ignoring the scalding water, Hisoka stood under its torrent motionlessly, erasing his memories of last night. Erasing all remnants of that strange feeling he had the previous night. It was only natural, he told himself. After that battle, it was only natural for me to want to fuck something.

Completely blocking out the memories of Zel's soft lips, he grit his teeth and lowered his hands; succumbing to the carnal pleasures of flesh and heat. He was Hisoka, emotions like that... they did not exist for someone like him.

It was like she said. He was a monster; one who did not deserve to love.


Their meeting today, was stranger than usual. Hisoka didn't try to approach her, and Zel wasn't as defensive as she used to be.

Of course, now that Killua and Gon were no longer in immediate danger, the sisterly - Zel had one less thing to stress about.

In fact, as she sat across from Hisoka and sipped slowly on some brandy, she had a smile on her face.

"Aren't you going to ask why I'm in a good mood~?" She chirped, surprising Hisoka with her pleasant tone.

"Hmm~?" He asked, masking his emotions and giving the impression that he was utterly bored.

"You're not? You're really not? What's wrong?" Zel inched closer towards Hisoka.

He raised an eyebrow, seemingly annoyed.

"Well, let's just say that you're starting to... bore me?"

Zel gasped, faking shock and betrayal.

"But I'm so ~ fascinating! Ah well, it's not like I really care whether or not you want to talk to me. As long as you follow the agreement and get me out, we're all good."

"Of course... I'm not one to go back on my word."

With that, Hisoka leaned back and gazed with an empty stare at the space in front of him. Across from him, Zel had a puzzled expression on her face as she tried to figure out what was wrong with him. He didn't seem like himself for some reason. Was it... last night?

Did she, affect him somehow?

Resisting the urge to laugh and gloat at her success, she spent the rest of that hour playing games on her phone and avoiding Hisoka's gaze.


When the egg timer went off, Hisoka stood up and stretched loudly. It was really more of a moan than a stretching sound.

Zel looked up from the sofa.

"Ah, good luck I suppose?"

Hisoka was reaching for the doorknob when he felt someone behind him. He could feel the heat from Zel's body; why was she pressed up so close to him?

"Are you leaving?" Zel asked, impatient.

Was it Hisoka's imagination, or did she sound a little breathless? Would it be possible for him to just slam her against the wall and -

Hisoka snickered to himself, opening the door and shutting down his thoughts. He reminded himself that he was there to kill for her, and that was all.

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