Chapter 2

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{Y/N} Pov

"Finally! I'm so happy to be back on steady ground again!" you watched as Dylan was basically kissing the ground. You let out a small giggle at the sight, which caused him to look up at you. He jumped up and dusted himself off, turning slightly so you wouldn't be able to see him blush. It didn't help hide it though. The trip to get here took forever!

You took a glance around at all of the people that were hanging about around the docks. There were some shops here and there. Some of the people were giving you strange looks and some looked at you with disgust.

You lifted an eyebrow in confusion, 'What did I do?' you thought. Then you got this chilling sensation, like someone was staring at you; not the stares that you could see but rather one you couldn't see. All of a sudden a  hand was laid on you shoulder, startling you a bit. It was Dylan.

"It's kinda busy isn't it?" he asked you. "Yea it is." You replied absentmindedly .

"Ok love birds, that's enough. We need to go find my dad." Chloe told us.

"Yea, I want to relax after all that traveling." Devin complained. We didn't really have to search because Chloe shouted in all of our ears, "Daddy! I didn't think we would find you at first." She told him as she hugged the older man.

"I'm glad you made it but I think you need to go back home. All of you." He said rather seriously.

"What do you mean?! We came all this way, just for you to tell us to go back home." Devin yelled.

"I don't want to agree with Devin, but why are you wanting us to leave?" you asked, confusion written on your face. 'I hope it's not about the sickness.' You thought.

"I don't want to worry you, but I've been told some very disturbing news and I don't think it would be wise to let you stay. I would have called but only certain people around here have the technology to communicate over radios and it would have taken me hours to get access to it. By then you would have been on the boat so I figured I'd just turn you around myself." Mr. Wilson explained.

You couldn't help your curiosity and asked him, "What kind of news did you hear about?" He seemed hesitant to answer you but by the looks on everyone's face, they wanted to know too.

He let out a sigh, "I've been informed that these people worship a special kind of god."

"What's so bad about that?" you questioned him.

"They offer women to their god in order to appease him." He explained. Your face paled at this information.

"What do you mean? Like a sacrifice? It's the twenty first century! Who still does human sacrifices? I mean, isn't that murder?" Chloe asked.

"These people do, or rather the tribe that lives in the forest. They tell the women that it is considered an honor to be offered to their god and that he will take them to paradise if he likes them."

"But the reason for their sickness is because their god is displeased, which is why they are starting their celebration as quickly as possible. I believe they called it Day of The Evil Keeper, and if I translated correctly the Evil Keeper is the name of their god." An unknown man told us. He didn't look to be one of the locals.

Mr. Wilson let out a nervous laugh, "Kids this is Jay. He's assisting me with taking care of the patients." He explained.

Jay just nodded as he looked us over, "Nice to meet all of you."

"What were you saying about their god? Why is he called The Evil Keeper?" you asked, wanting to know more about it.

Jay looked at you and smiled, "He's called that because he's suppose to keep away all of the evil and sickness and since people are getting sick they believe he is angry about something."

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