Chapter 8

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WARNING! Slight language in this chapter as well a future chapters. I censor them somewhat so it shouldn't be to bad!
"Put me down!" You screamed loudly, looking down at the ground that just so happened to be seventy five feet away from you.

The demon holding you let out a low chuckle, "But I've missed my little flower." Came his reply as he nuzzled your neck.

-....Wait, hold up! What just happened? I don't think this is where we left off; let's rewind just a bit—


"How much longer until we get back?" Devin complained.
"A few hours, five at the most! Now shut it!" Mr. Wilson yelled. Devin shut up real quick as did everyone else. Tension was thick in the air and there was no question why.

    Unfortunately, it didn't stay quiet for long.

For the next ten minutes everyone was quiet. The crickets and late night birds are making music throughout the forest was the only noise being made. It was somewhat soothing to your frizzled mind, though one look at the torch that Devin had didn't help. It was slowly losing its glow, not much longer and we won't have a light source aside from the moon.

"So, (y/n) what happened after you were sucked into the ground?" Chloe asked.

"Yea, what's your side? Was it actually a demon? What exactly are we running from?" Devin pushed.

Still walking, your mind flashed back to when you awoke in the bedroom of the beast. Could he actually be a demon? He sure didn't look human, but a demon? It doesn't seem likely but then again he has the ability to control nature.

"Well...I woke up in a room on a bed." You started, feeling a little embarrassed now that everyone's is focused on you.

"Um, there was a guy there; he looked like what Jay described. He was combing his fingers through my hair. He told me that we were at his palace and that it was to be my new home. When I asked about you guys, he got defensive and told me I should forget about you."

"I don't think so! He has to go through me to get to you!" Chloe stated fiercely.

"Wait, is he the one that attacked us in the jeep with that entire mumbo jumbo tree trick?" Devin asked. Biting your lower lip you nodded yes

"Son of a-"you put your hand across his mouth to keep him from shouting. By now everyone had stopped walking. Talking your hand off his mouth, you go to walk again but you're stopped by Mr. Wilson.

"Do you hear that?" he asked. No one moved nor dared to make a noise, trying to figure out what he heard.

"I...I don't hear anything." You whispered and looked around.


"What? Is this a joke?" Devin grumbled.

"The birds have stopped singing and the crickets have quit playing. Do you hear how silent everything is?"

"And? What does that mean? Did they get tired of making noise?" Devin laughed

The glare Mr. Wilson sent him silenced his mouth quickly. Devin really needs to quite pissing him off.

"When animals quit making noise it means there is a predator nearby." Jay told us.

As if on que, an inhuman screech filled the air, making everyone jump. Fear gripped your heart and your knees started to shake. 'I don't want to die. I don't want any of my friends to die. I don't want anyone to die!' your thoughts screamed.

"Dad, I am never going to travel with you again." Chloe tried to joke but it wasn't a good time for that.

"Trust me, I don't think I will be doing any more traveling for a while when we get home." Mr. Wilson murmured.

"Well, let's try speeding this up and get to town." Dylan said and went ahead of the group. You let a small smile grace your face, but it was quickly wiped off when Dylan was suddenly tackled to the ground by some kind of creature.

"Dylan!" You screamed, causing said creature to take its attention away from the boy below it to you. It looked like something out of a nightmare. It had some kind of mane around its head and the body looked like a walking skeleton with skin to cover the bones.

The bristles on the head started to rattle and shake as it let out a hissing noise. You took a step back out of fear and Chloe pulled her dad close. "Get out of here!" Dylan yelled as he lay underneath the beast.

"Like hell we'll leave you!" Devin said and approached the creature, using the fire to try and scare it off. At first it seemed to work because it got off Dylan, long enough for him to get away, but then it hit Devin's hand. Knocking the torch to the ground and the fire went out.

Completely dark, you waited for your eyes to adjust to the dark. You felt someone wrap their arms around your waist, your back touching their chest. "Dylan?" you asked.


"Could you let go of me?"

"What do you mean? I'm nowhere near you."

"If this isn't you, then..."

The head of the stranger was suddenly placed on your shoulder, mouth next to your ear.

"Guess again." The voice said and you felt nip at your earlobe.


A tall ring of fire suddenly surrounded you, and your friends, creating enough light to reveal who was hugging you from behind. Demitri.

The next thing you know, his grip tightened and your feet are no longer touched the ground. His wings was now fully extended and keeping you far from your friends

"Put me down!" You screamed loudly, flailing your legs, looking down at the ground that just so happened to be seventy five or so feet away from you.

The demon holding you let out a low chuckle, "But I've missed my little flower." Came his reply as he nuzzled your neck.

"Well, I certainly didn't miss you." You snapped, wanting to pull away but falling to your death was not how you wanted to die.

"By the way, I love what you did with the dress. It shows more of your lovely legs." He purred. Your face cringed in disgust.

"Hey you piece of sh*t! Let (y/n) go! Devin yelled.

Demitri snorted, "Not likely." He said and then smirked.

"Then again, how much do you really care about her? Are you willing to put your life on the line for her?" He asked your friends

"Of course we would!" Chloe shouted. It was then when you noticed a very spine chilling sight. Creatures and beasts surrounded the ring of fire, like they are waiting for it to be extinguished.

Looking back at Demitri, his face holding a diabolical smile, he announced, "Would you like to play a game and win her, as well as yours, freedom?"

Something was telling you that those monsters on the ground were going to be a part of the game. You go to shout and warn them but the Demon covered your mouth.

"Well, what do you say?"

There was a moment of silence.

"We'll play."

(quick question!
Would it be too much trouble to ask for some help in something? My friend is throwing a Halloween party and he wants to have a haunted trail. We both have a low budget and we need some ideas.

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