Part 15- The End is Near...Maybe

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You thought  I died again didn't you? Hello. I've been like for a while "I should upload the story!" "The story!" "I'm really hungry" "Oh yea...the story.." "When was the last time I updated that story..." "Link is hot.". And hey look! I wrote some! Um yea. Enjoy? I'm tired.



Part 15- The End is Near...Maybe

Lets just say that you've been through A LOT.

Yet you're still standing strong. Isn't that sweet? No one cares. You've hit the lowest of lows and yet you have learned NOTHING. Seriously, you should have managed not to get your account deleted after the second or third time at least. And not to mention all the voting for your own stuff and begging people to take pity on you. Pathetic much?

Aw you're sad?

Well that's too bad because it time for you to face the ugly, terrible, apparently hilarious, truth. You FAIL. You silently cry tears of shame as you start to realized what has been happening all this time. You've been doing the same dumb things over and over and over again (honestly it is pretty funny). And while all this has been going on, the itty bitty little idea of YOU SUCK AT WRITING has never crossed your mind.

You think that you should write a story about this. Wouldn't that be a good idea? (No, probably not)

It doesn't have to be anything fancy. Just simple writing with a witty comment here and there. There's a little shining light of hope that is almost burned out from previous experiences, but you know, it may be dim but its still there.

Its kinda a story. More of a paragraph... but it gets the point across... more or less.

You leave some room for a second part, you never know what might happen. You just know that because this isn't a sad mainstream (oh wow look at you being all "hipster" now) attempt at a cliched teen romance/ vampire story/ some other overused paranormal thingy/ a even more cliched teen romance like some less... successful attempts (aka extreme FAILURES).

You sigh and press the upload button. 

But look!

Soon you get a comment! AND ITS POSITIVE! And a vote! "Holy crap" you think to yourself "I did something right!" You actually jump around and make ear-piercing shrieking noises. You feel... not like a failure (wow great way to describe it)!

But hey wait this isn't the end. 

Just because you had a breakthrough doesn't mean everything is done. No don't worry there's MANY more failures to come (insert devious smiley face here). 

Story of a Failed WriterWhere stories live. Discover now