Part 11- Only Technology can Fail More

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Don't you hate when technolgy fails? If you don't no offense, but your weird...

This chapter is deticated to Ania for:

1. Making an account

2. Sharing it with little 'ol insane me

3. Letting me overtake it!



Part 11- Only Technology can Fail More  

Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap is the sound of you typing your most totally amazing story EVER. Seriously, this is even better than some of the published crap out there. Even your friends who have recently taken pity on you think this story is extremely epic. Minus one fail point for the failure.

You type the last sentence of the whole story. This story is truly beyond words. You publish chapter one. It is a total hit. Ten votes in an hour. And many still coming in. Your are one dang happy failure. One more fail point gone.

Your pour your total heart and partly damaged soul into chapter two. It takes forever to write, but it turns out totally amazing. It is a masterpiece. Farwell another fail point.

You feel an adrenaline rush as you push the publish button. All that just for the computer to say: We're sorry, your work was not able to be saved. That's when you realized you've spent so much time writing, you forgot to save. Hasta la vista, work. Stupid, stupid, STUPID. Score one fail point for technology.

And then, just to make everything suck even more, your computer crashes. When you finally manage to re-boot it (bye-bye three hours) you log on to realize all your stories have been deleted. Every single little one. Well, that wouldn't matter if a) you still wrote failed stories or b) if you had saved your spectacular story onto your computer, but of cousre, none of the above apply. Scores two and three for technology.

Technology and you are tied for the most failed award when, you go cry in the corner because your work of writing art is gone. So there you go, technology wins on the fail scale! (Don't worry, you'll have tons of chances to fail in the nearby future).


Okay, last part I was thanking you for more than fifty votes. NOW THERE'S 100! I'd like to thank my, mom, and my dad, and my friends...  think you get the point.


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