c h a p t e r n i n e

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"I don't want to get hurt" she said tears falling
down her rosy cheeks
"Im not going to hurt you" he replied
stuck in love


r i l e y

I woke up with heavy eyes, I searched around to see if
Farkle was still here.

I guess he is, because I do hear water running
inside my bathroom.

The bathroom door then creaked open, revealing Farkoe
half naked, my eyes widened and I then blushed all of a sudden.

My cheeks were heating oh my gosh.

"Ew, Farkle, get some clothes on!" I said as I covered my eyes

"Stop acting like a kid Riley, I mean, you always see me like
this" he said as he smirked

"Uh excuse me? Always?" I said raising an eyebrow

He then just chuckled and grabbed clothes from his bag.

I then just rolled my eyes and grinned,
"Since we've been spending too much time inside our houses,
What if we go to an amusement park?" I asked

"That'd be cool" he said smiling


I then got ready, I gabbed my clothes and farkle and I headed to his car.

"Arent your parents home?" I asked

He then just shook his head no "they're in Paris."

"Oh wow" I said "Paris has always been my dream"

"Huh," he said "for a rebel like you, you do have dreams"

"Farkle, everyone has dreams" I said "so, who's watchig your house

"My aunt, I mean, she doesnt have anywhere else to go,
And the two of us arent really close with each other.." He said as he shrugged


He then started driving, I looked at the streets, people.

I then thought to myself, why did my life become such a mess?
I always have that in my mind, it never left.

Every single day... I didnt know who I exactly am.

"riles" farkle called out my name

"Yeah?" I replied

"Wanna go ice skating?" He asked, a smile then beamed onto my face

"I always loved that" I said

Farkle then parked his car, both of us went to the skate park,
Farkle got out two skating shoes from the back of his car.

I didnt actually knew he had one.

"Okay, as much as I love to do this, i cant!" I said

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