c h a p t e r s e v e n

514 18 5

"Say whats in your HEART,
Tomorrow maybe TOO late."
— anonymous
(if you ever know who's quote is that from,
Just comment his / her name below)


r i l e y

These past few weeks were pretty awkward but funny as fu*k
Since Farkle came to school not wearing those thick black
Glasses, girls were drooling over him.

People were whispering that the two of us would make a great couple.
I was surprised, and happy to hear all of those,
Oh, how I wish Farkle really knew my feelings towards him.

I still didnt tell him that I love him, how much I love being with him,
How much I love spending time with him.


Maya 🍑: seriously riles, if you dont date freakle hottie, i would.

Lucas 👕: MAYA!

Maya 🍑: what did i say??

Zay 👻: did i mention you two were the most hilarious couple ever?

Riley 🍯: sure they are zay.

Zay 👻: but seriously riley, will you ever tell farkle about that Charlie threat?

Riley 🍯: im not sure...

Maya 🍑: why?

Riley 🍯: i... Dont know....

That made me wonder, why wouldnt i tell him about that charlie threat?
I mean, if I tell him, i'll have the most craziest plan ever, running away.
My parents wont mind right? They never really cared about me.

I then opened my locker door when suddenly,

"Give me back my Farkle!" Smackle said furiously

"Oh i'm sorry is he your property?" I asked pretty chill

"Oh i'm sorry is he yours?" She said as she smirked

I then came close to her and smirked. I grabbed her shirt collar and said,

"You think Farkle could ever love such a famewhore and selfish girl like you?
You think Farkle could like such an attention seeking brat like you?
You think Farkle could like such a cheating girlfriend like you? No because all
You do is lie to almost every person who cares about you!" I said as I let go of her
Causing her to fall at the hard cement floor

"What ever you say it wont break me Matthews, and I will get my Boyfriend
Back! You dont deserve anything! You dont deserve love and care! You deserve
Hate and Pain! You ugly Bit*h!" She said

Tears brimmed at the corner of my eyes, I then looked back but looked at her again,
"You didnt deserved to be raised by your parents, they took care of you to have
A wonderful life but you ruined it. Instead, you made that life fade away
And turn into something so devlish and careless. Oh and Smackle, I'm not a mirror
to be called ugly, because if you clearly look infront of a mirror,
You could already know such a hideous monster you are." And then I took off

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