c h a p t e r t w o

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"You never know how much you
love someone until they're gone."


r i l e y

He then opened their garage to bring out his car.

"Aren't you supposed to sleep at this time of night?" He asked

"Well, yeah. But I dont really listen to those so-called
rules" I said and smirked

He then started the engine, I then entered the car and put on my
seatbelt, this is seriously going to be exciting.

[play: On Purpose (Sabrina Carpenter)]

I opened the window and sticked out my head,
I just like feeling that cold breeze, my hair was flowing.

"Pull over that market right there." I said as he nodded

I let the cold aircondition blow my hair a little,
It was freaking cold but I didnt mind.

I told farkle to get 3 large catfish, blue spraypaint and those
Other shit stuffs.

Farkle and I played a little while we were inside the store, I was hella
excited on what was I going to do.


We then got out of the store and got inside his car,

"Revenge plot begins" I said and smirked

"You really are something Matthews huh?" He said and smiled

"You could say that." I said and rested my head "first stop, Isadora's

"What? Why her's? She's your bestfriend right?" He asked

"Well ex bestfriend, I saw Charlie and Smackle hooking up last night"
I said as I sighed

He then muttered something under his breath but I ignored it.
He continued to drive and I just gave him directions.

Once we reached Isadora's house, I then smiled.

We first then placed something in my ex boyfriends car so that he cannot
Open it, revenge plot it is.

"Watch this" I said as I grabbed out my phone and dialed their
telephone number

"Hello?" Isadora's father said

"Hello sir, sorry for bothering you but your daughter is hooking up
with a random boy inside her room" I said as I changed my voice tone

I then ended the call and waited for the lights to open up.

Thats one, two, three and four! A light then lit up Isadora's room
And then suddenly, a naked guy climbed out of her window.

"Take a picture hurry! hurry!" I said as he grabbed out his phone and
then took a picture of cheating bastard Charlie

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