c h a p t e r s i x

627 17 3

"What's the point of living
when you dont atleast try
to do something remarkable?"
— Paper  Towns


r i l e y

I remembered the words that came out of Charlie's mouth.
I couldnt forget about those words.
It made me worry so much about Farkle, yes, I have fallen
Inlove with Farkle Minkus truly.

From the very start I saw him, he actually made my day much more
better, though he may be sarcastic sometimes, but,
he is the want-to-have boyfriend you could ever dream off.

But ofcouse, even though I really want to be with him,
I cant, some of my friends dont like him, he's the nerd
of the school!

But they really just judge him from his appearance.
And I guess im starting to hate attitude like those.

Yeah, I may have been bullied some students, who knows
Why I did that!

And I'm really regretting on what I did, I may have been
A bad girl those past years, but Farkle came into my life.

He made my life stopped from fading away, and made it much
More colorful, and I couldnt ask for more.

My phone then suddenly rang, I checked to see who was calling
And, surprised to see that it was from an unknown number,

I'm guessing that the calls from Charlie's.

"Hello?" I answered annoyed

"Did you make your decision my love?" He said

"Stop calling me those stupid names because theyre
Not gonna want me get back to you dumbass." I said furious

"Whatever sassy pants, so have you made your decision?
Or would you just really want me to beat up your nerdy
jerkish boyfriend" he said, I bet he's smirking ear to ear

"Why wont you just leave him alone?!" I said, I mean seriously,
why would he ruin other people's lives?

"Because he kept you away from me, he truly made you fall
inlove with him, when i'm the only one who could only do that
to you!" He said

"Are you serious right now freakhole?! WE ARENT TOGETHER
FOR F's SAKE!" I angrily said

"You have 1 month my dear. And if you dont make a decision by the end
of this month, he's going to be burried alive." He said and laughed

I then hung-up, gosh, what have I gotten Farkle into?

A plan then suddenly popped inside my head.

I need to spend this whole month with Farkle, have our wonderful adventures
Together, and I know by the end of the month, I need to get back with Charlie.

The plan will seriously break him, I mean im going to confess that i love him,
Literally. But then the day after, i would be talking to him as if nothing happened
Between the two of us.

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