c h a p t e r f i v e

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"Is it lovely when someone makes your
heart so fast when you actually dont
want it to beat at all?"


r i l e y

I was currently sitting on the bay window near the Ski Lodge's door,
I haven't gone back home for almost a week now.

Farkle was still here with me. And he actually made me feel better.
Though what happened a few days ago were still circling
around my head.

It was very weird and awkward, and i'm actually starting to feel not
myself, this boy is seriously changing me, for the better? or for
the worse?

I shook at my thought and looked outside the window, maybe I should
go home, my brother and my friends must've been worried.

And no, theres nothing special going between me and Farkle, were
just 'friends' I guess.

I heard footsteps towards me. I looked who it was, it was my old pal,

"Riles! I haven't seen you in a long time!" He said as we gave each other
a friendly hug

I smiled at him, he grew up so much "you too" I replied

"Hm, you seem.. Different" he said as he examined me
"Ripped Jeans, eyeliner, dark clothes? Doesn't seem to be the same
princess I know, do princesses like dark colors now?"

I then just chuckled at his thought and looked him, "i changed."

"How come?" He asked as he sat beside me

"My parents" I sighed, he then gave me a pitiful look

"Oh, that, you know, you should have stayed with August or Maya" he said

"Yeah, But I couldnt leave the bay window behind" I said and giggled

he then chuckled at my childish act "im going on a hike, wanna come?"

"Ah, no thank you" I said as I bid him a goodbye, he did the same

I then looked over the fire place and saw Farkle.

"Who was he?" He asked with a disturbed look

"My friend" I said

"Or your 'boyfriend'" he said as he glared at me

"Farkle. If you're not going to believe me then dont" i said and rolled my eyes

"Lets head back home" i said

"Im glad you said that!" He said as both of us chuckled

f a r k l e

It still questions me if she likes me or not, because what happened
a few days ago? It was pure magic. Yeah, I like her, wait, Like? I love
Riley Matthews! Who would have thought?

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